Primus may refer to:
Primus is a living planet and deity-entity in the fictional Transformers universe who fought against the Chaos-Bringer Unicron. The Lord of the Light, Primus is the being who created the Primes to help it defeat Unicron, and the Transformers homeworld Cybertron.
Primus was voted as one of the "coolest toys around" by Boy's Life magazine in November 2006.
According to transformers lore, before the dawn of time, Order and Chaos existed within an extra-dimensional entity known as The One. To explore the fledgling universe, he created the astral being known as Unicron, and then subdivided him, creating his twin, Primus. Both brothers were multiversal singularities, unique in all realities, but where as Unicron could only exist in one universe at a time, moving between them at will, Primus existed simultaneously in all realities at once. It is suggested, in fact, that the two brothers embody the basic concepts of reality—good and evil, order and chaos—and that their continued existence is necessary for the stability of the multiverse.
Primus is a syndicated sea adventure series which aired in 1971–1972. It told the adventures of Carter Primus (Robert Brown).
The series was produced by Ivan Tors and one season (26 episodes) was shot.
A paperback Primus novel by Bradford Street and Ivan Tors was published by Bantam Books in 1971.
Charlton Comics published a short lived Primus comic book (7 issues - February 1972 to October 1972 ).
Arnie is a masculine given name, frequently a shortened version of Arnold. It may refer to:
Arnie is a game developed by Zeppelin Games in 1992, featuring a lone soldier who must fight through army camps.
The game opens as Arnie is airlifted into a forest with cabins full of enemy soldiers. At the start of the game he is equipped with an Armalite AR-15 rifle. Tanks, helicopters, and other military artillery also attempt to kill Arnie. Defeating enemy soldiers earns the player more powerful weapons, making the later parts of the game easier. These do have limited ammunition, however. The object of the game is to reach the dictator's HQ and defeat him.
The game was available on various Commodore formats. It was also issued as a demo tape by Commodore magazine.
Zepplin released the sequel, Arnie II, in 1993.
Although it is obvious that the game's name alludes to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arnie II is not a licensed title and is not based on any movie.
Arnie is a television sitcom that ran for two seasons (1970–72) on the CBS network. It starred Herschel Bernardi, Sue Ane Langdon, and Roger Bowen.
Bernardi played the title character, Arnie Nuvo, a longtime blue collar employee at the fictitious Continental Flange Company, who overnight was promoted to an executive position. The story lines mainly focused on this fish-out-of-water situation, and on Arnie's sometimes-problematic relationship with his well-meaning but wealthy and eccentric boss, Hamilton Majors Jr. (Bowen). Because he still held his union card, Arnie could negotiate tricky management/labor situations that no one else could. Arnie's surname was presumably a pun on nouveau riche (which his promotion effectively made him), and possibly also on Art Nouveau.
In addition to Bernardi, Bowen, and Langdon (as Arnie's wife Lilian), cast members included Del Russel and Stephanie Steele as Arnie's son and daughter, Richard and Andrea; Elaine Shore as Arnie's secretary, Felicia; and Herb Voland as sour-tempered executive Neil Ogilvie.
The man he stepped up to the microphone and he gave it a kiss, it was a big wet, slippery kiss
And he had sweat dripping off of his nose onto the windscreen
As he looked out over the audience he said, "God bless you, God bless you one and all"
The he took a can of Ronson lighter fluid and he squirted it over the top of his head
And proceeded to light himself on fire