Arm Fall Off Boy (Floyd Belkin) is a DC Comics superhero from the 30th century. His first appearance was in Secret Origins Vol. 2 #46, (December 1989), he was drawn by Curt Swan. After Zero Hour, the character of Arm Fall Off Boy was briefly reintroduced as Splitter.
Arm Fall Off Boy has the ability to detach his own limbs, which he can then use as blunt weapons. His background is not explored in his initial appearances; in Legionnaires (vol 4) #12, Matter-Eater Lad claims he gained his powers through carelessness while holding the anti-gravity metal Element 152, but Matter-Eater Lad may not have been serious. In his introduction, he is an applicant at the first Legion tryout, and the first Legion reject.
Following the Zero Hour reboot, the character appears again in Legionnaires (vol. 4) #43 and is identified as Floyd Belkin of the planet Lallor. Under the name Splitter, Floyd participates in the Legion's tryouts in Legionnaires #43 and is one of five finalists, but he is denied Legion membership after he panics and literally falls apart during the last test. Later in the comic, he appears as a member of the Heroes of Lallor.