The argument from free will, also called the paradox of free will or theological fatalism, contends that omniscience and free will are incompatible and that any conception of God that incorporates both properties is therefore inherently contradictory. The argument may focus on the incoherence of people having free will or on God having free will. These arguments are deeply concerned with the implications of predestination.
Some arguments against God focus on the supposed incoherence of humankind possessing free will. These arguments are deeply concerned with the implications of predestination.
Moses Maimonides formulated an argument regarding a person's free will, in traditional terms of good and evil actions, as follows:
Various means of reconciling God's omniscience (possession of all possible knowledge) with human free will have been proposed:
A fallacy is the use of invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning, or "wrong moves" in the construction of an argument. A fallacious argument may be deceptive by appearing to be better than it really is. Some fallacies are committed intentionally to manipulate or persuade by deception, while others are committed unintentionally due to carelessness or ignorance, as even lawyers admit that the extent to which an argument is sound or unsound depends on the context in which the argument is made.
Fallacies are commonly divided into "formal" and "informal". A formal fallacy can be expressed neatly in a standard system of logic, such as propositional logic, while an informal fallacy originates in an error in reasoning other than an improper logical form. Arguments containing informal fallacies may be formally valid, but still fallacious.
A formal fallacy is a common error of thinking that can neatly be expressed in standard system of logic. An argument that is formally fallacious is rendered invalid due to a flaw in its logical structure. Such an argument is always considered to be wrong.
Free will is the ability to choose between different possible courses of action. It is closely linked to the concepts of responsibility, praise, guilt, sin, and other judgments which apply only to actions that are freely chosen. It is also connected with the concepts of advice, persuasion, deliberation, and prohibition. Traditionally, only actions that are freely willed are seen as deserving credit or blame. There are numerous different concerns about threats to the possibility of free will, varying by how exactly it is conceived, which is a matter of some debate.
Some conceive free will to be the capacity for an agent to make choices in which the outcome has not been determined by past events. Determinism suggests that only one course of events is possible, which is inconsistent with the existence of such free will. This problem has been identified in ancient Greek philosophy, and remains a major focus of philosophical debate. This view that conceives free will to be incompatible with determinism is called incompatibilism, and encompasses both metaphysical libertarianism, the claim that determinism is false and thus free will is at least possible, and hard determinism, the claim that determinism is true and thus free will is not possible. It also encompasses hard incompatibilism, which holds not only determinism but also its negation to be incompatible with free will, and thus free will to be impossible whatever the case may be regarding determinism.
Free-Will (フリーウィル) is a Japanese independent record label founded in 1986 by Color vocalist Hiroshi "Dynamite Tommy" Tomioka, with branches predominantly in Japan and the United States, as well as previously in Europe. It also continues to co-manage many of its artists after they have signed recording contracts with a major record label. Free-Will along with Extasy Records are credited with helping to spread the visual kei movement. Free-Will also produced the 2001 anime adaptation of the long running manga series Grappler Baki.
The company operates several sub-divisions, some of them for a single band or purpose only. For example, Firewall Div. solely handles material which is released in collaboration with Sony Music.
In philosophy, free will is the ability of agents to make choices unconstrained by certain factors
Free will may also refer to:
Free Will is a dream
Fate is tattooed on our backs
We've never even made a choice
All we've ever had is sweet Determinism.
Sometimes you may feel surprised,
Sometime you might even start to feel free
But it's just all the effects and causes adding up
To everything that had to be.
No bra on her tits
Her tongue tucked in her cheek
And a short black skirt with nothing underneath
But sweet Feminism.
Sometimes she may seem intimidating
Sometimes you might even start to feel uneasy
But it's just your conventions and norms, your societal scorns
Towards her natural born identity. (You're no help at all, let her be! )
I'm glad to be unhappy again
Discontentment is relief
I have a confession, I loved my depression and I missed my misery
All that sweet Pessimism.
Sometimes you may feel alright
Sometimes you might even start to think positively
But the clouds and rain are coming back 'round again