In C. S. Lewis's fantasy novels the Chronicles of Narnia, The Kingdom of Archenland is a nation to the south of the Kingdom of Narnia, and to the north of both nations' occasional (and final) enemy,the Calormen Empire. Its borders are formed by mountains to the north and by the River Winding Arrow to the south. Its capital appears to be the castle located below the Anvard pass, which allows passage to Narnia.
Archenland is described as a hilly nation constituting largely open parkland, with many different species of trees, but the trees are not spaced close enough together to form forests. It occupies the river basin of the Winding Arrow, a large river that runs from west to east through the whole country and drains into the Eastern Ocean. The river is partly navigable and probably provides a major trade route for Archenland and southern Narnia.
Despite a large desert being situated immediately to the south, Archenland does not have an arid climate as the Winding Arrow moderates the climate and provides much fertile land.