CAIRO, March 22 (KUNA) -- The ArabLeague affirmed unifying efforts of memeber-states to support the establishment of an independednt Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital ... of Arab countries.
With typical Arab hospitality, Freij had a servant ... While the number of Christians in the Jewish state grows, a different story is occurring in areas controlled by the PalestinianArabs, including Gaza.
The Lebanese prime minister on Friday told a pan-Arab broadcaster that Lebanon had "turned the page" on Hezbollah's weapons and that the Lebanese state was responsible for liberating occupied territories.
The UnitedArab Emirates (UAE) on Saturday pledged a $1.4 trillion investment in the United States over the next decade, marking one of the largest foreign investment commitments in US history.The ...
In a statement Friday, Katz said ... 'Pressure points' ... He said these included implementing Trump's proposal for the UnitedStates to redevelop Gaza as a Mediterranean resort after the relocation of its Palestinian inhabitants to other Arab countries ....