An appliqué is a device applied to another surface. The technique is very common in some kinds of textiles, but may be applied to many materials. In the context of ceramics, for example, an appliqué is a separate piece of clay added to the primary work, generally for the purpose of decoration.
The term is borrowed from French and, in this context, means "applied" or "thing that has been applied." Appliqué is a surface pattern that is used to decorate an aspect of a garment or product. It has been around since sewing was invented. In earlier years people sewed it by hand but nowadays people use sewing machines
In the context of sewing, an appliqué refers to a needlework technique in which patterns or representational scenes are created by the attachment of smaller pieces of fabric to a larger piece of contrasting colour or texture. It is particularly suitable for work which is to be seen from a distance, such as in banner-making. A famous example of appliqué is the Hastings Embroidery.
Frank Zappa (guitar, vocals)
Ian Underwood (alto saxophone, piano)
Bunk Gardner (tenor saxophone, clarinet)
Motorhead Sherwood (baritone saxophone, tambourine)
Roy Estrada (bass, vocals)
Don Preston (electric piano)
Arthur Tripp (drums, percussion)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums)
Members of The BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Jimmy Carl, Motorhead, Roy & Bunk are reunited by Dons sentimental stylings. They dance and hug each other, forming a chorus line for backing vocals, while Ian lies in a crumpled heat at the side of the stage. On the downbeat of the EPILOGUE, Ian miraculously returns to life, strangles Don, and hurls him down a flight of steps, regains control of the Steinway and finishes out the show with the orchestra.)