Aponeuroses (plural of aponeurosis: απο, "away" or "of", and νευρον, "sinew", and pronounced ap·o·neu·ro·sis) are layers of flat broad tendons. They have a shiny, whitish-silvery color, are histologically similar to tendons, and are very sparingly supplied with blood vessels and nerves. When dissected, aponeuroses are papery and peel off by sections. The primary regions with thick aponeurosis are in the ventral abdominal region, the dorsal lumbar region, the ventriculus in birds, and the palmar and plantar regions.
Their primary function is to join muscles and the body parts the muscles act upon, whether it be bone or muscle.
Anterior abdominal aponeuroses
The anterior abdominal aponeuroses are located just superficial to the rectus abdominis muscle. It has for its borders the external oblique, pectoralis muscles, and the latissimus dorsi.
Posterior lumbar aponeuroses
The posterior lumbar aponeuroses are situated just on top of the epaxial muscles of the thorax, which are multifidus spinae and Sacrospinalis.