Apache Ivy
Apache Ivy is a transitive dependency manager. It is a sub-project of the Apache Ant project, with which Ivy works to resolve project dependencies. An external XML file defines project dependencies and lists the resources necessary to build a project. Ivy then resolves and downloads resources from an artifact repository: either a private repository or one publicly available on the Internet.
To some degree, it competes with Apache Maven, which also manages dependencies. However, Maven is a complete build tool, whereas Ivy focuses purely on managing transitive dependencies.
Newer build tools and continuous integration servers regularly support or include Ivy:
sbt, or "simple build tool," the primary build tool for Scala projects, incorporates Ivy for its dependency management.
Grails (until anticipated 3.0 release in 2014)
gradle (until replaced by an internal dependency resolution engine in release 1.0)
Managing project dependencies
XML-driven declaration of project dependencies and JAR repositories