Anvard is the moatless castle where King Lune of Archenland resides in the fictional land of Narnia, described in the The Chronicles of Narnia book series by C. S. Lewis. It is made of red-brown stones and sits on a green lawn in front of a high woody ridge. In The Horse and His Boy, Prince Rabadash led a force of two hundred Calormene horsemen in a surprise attack against it, but was defeated by a relief army from Narnia led by King Edmund.
Shasta and Aravis cross the desert and reach the Hermit of the Southern March. There, Shasta meets King Lune. King Lune takes Shasta to Narnia. He loses his way out of the army and goes to some animals living in Narnia. They send a stag to Cair Paravel. The actual identity of the Hermit is never clarified. He seems to be equivalent to Coriakin and Ramandu, who are stars spending time away from the skies on Narnian earth in the guise of mystical or magical old men, away from the mainstream of from human society.
Think when ??? was green
A natural patch on the edge of the city
Then all the ya's made it grey
A middle class a new posh race
Traffic spiff ya ya OK
Traffic spiff ya ya OK
Traffic spiff ya ya OK
Flash your cheques and plastic cards
I don't need a Jaguar
The troops are common mean and dirty
And the wine bar opens at sharp twelve-thirty
??? demand
That's not the way you learn to ???
Dinner made from purer meat