Antinomy (Greek ἀντί, antí, "against, in opposition to," and νόμος, nómos, "law") literally means the mutual incompatibility, real or apparent, of two laws. It is a term used in logic and epistemology, particularly in the philosophy of Kant and Roberto Unger.
The term acquired a special significance in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), who used it to describe the equally rational but contradictory results of applying to the universe of pure thought the categories or criteria of reason that are proper to the universe of sensible perception or experience (phenomena). Empirical reason cannot here play the role of establishing rational truths because it goes beyond possible experience and is applied to the sphere of that which transcends it.
For Kant there are four antinomies, connected with:
It's a new day
Time again to put the tie around your neck
Tie the slipknot, slip into your body bag
Get ready for your daily identity suicide
Sit down, enjoy the genocide
Be the perfect slave, be a decent artifact
Be what the fuck you wanna be
Can't you see you're an aseptic, pathetic conception
The immaculate deception
Your time is wasting away
Still you think it's so precious
I reject your conditioned logic
That's why you want me to vanish
How ironic from a selfish
I can see through you
The unspoken hatred, the bitterness
I reject them all
But I reflect your own sickness
Unleash it before you reach the point
Of no return
It's a new day, same shit
For you workaholic Janus
You smiling hypocrite
Never disagree, never justify
Never defy authority, hide in the majority
Your time is wasting away
Still you think it's so precious
I reject your conditioned logic
That's why you want me to vanish
How ironic from a selfish
I can see through you
The unspoken hatred, the bitterness
I reject them all
But I reflect your own sickness
Unleash it; you reach the point
Of no return
I, I am, the collateral damage of mass production
I, I am, the embodiment of your own frustrations
Just try to push me but better push me hard
'Cause I'll never bend, never break
Just face and swallow the despise of the rejects you create
You're an antinomy, the anonymous persecuted
With a lack of existence you'll never fill up with your hatred
For me
I can see through you
The unspoken hatred, the bitterness
Buried you alive
It's too late for your sickness to arise