The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunaki, Anunna, Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures (i.e., Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian).
The name is variously written "da-nuna", "da-nuna-ke4-ne", or "da-nun-na", meaning "princely offspring" or "offspring of Anu". According to The Oxford Companion to World Mythology, the Anunnaki: "...are the Sumerian deities of the old primordial line; they are chthonic deities of fertility, associated eventually with the underworld, where they became judges. They take their name from the old sky god An (Anu)."
By her consort Anu, Ki gave birth to the Anunnaki, the most prominent of these deities being Enlil, god of the air. According to legends, heaven and earth were once inseparable until Enlil was born; Enlil cleaved heaven and earth in two. An carried away heaven. Ki, in company with Enlil, took the earth.
Some authorities question whether Ki was regarded as a deity since there is no evidence of a cult and the name appears only in a limited number of Sumerian creation texts. Samuel Noah Kramer identifies Ki with the Sumerian mother goddess Ninhursag and claims that they were originally the same figure.
Demon: The Fallen is a trademark embracing both a role-playing game and a fictional setting from the World of Darkness line by White Wolf Game Studio. The player characters in the game are demons; fallen angels who were cast out of Paradise after siding with Lucifer in a thousand year war with God known as the War of Wrath. The game focuses on "infernal glory" as the driving force behind its storyline and character development.
The War in Heaven began when an Elohim (angel) named Ahrimal, one of the Seers, foresaw a disaster in the future - a disaster which God had either directly orchestrated or would allow to happen. The Elohim debated whether or not to act against God in order to prevent this disaster; many argued that it would be safer to do nothing, because their action could potentially be the cause of the disaster. Lucifer, one of the Heralds as well as the first and greatest Elohim created by God, was the first to make a conclusive decision in favor of rebellion, and he became the leader of the rebel Elohim; the Fallen.
An echo of pulse
Kills off the silence
Silent agony so familiar
The mind perceives what the eyes must see
Killer instinct
Without thought
Killer instinct
Eyes reopened
To a battlefield of scarlet
Upon the landscape
A product of a two faced world
Killer instinct
Without thought
Killer instinct
Only words to be heard
Confessions on the deathbed
It shows in your stance
Sanity makes it's departure
Donning scars with pride
Not as fashionable as you'd thought
Now the mind perceives
That which human eyes will never see
Killer instinct
Without thought
Killer instinct
An omission of pride
For this victory leaves a man bereaved
A killer, a coward
An enigma to the real world now
Killer instinct
Without thought
Killer instinct
Only words to be heard
Confessions on the deathbed
It shows in your stance
Sanity makes it's departure