Anita Álvarez de Williams
Anita Álvarez de Williams (born in Calexico, California in 1931) is an American anthropologist, photographer and historian.
Her work has been of great importance to understand the past of Baja California and the borderlands area. She has published "The Cocopah People" (1974), "Travelers among the Cucapa" (1975), and "Primeros pobladores de la Baja California. Introducción a la antropología de la península" (1975), among several books and academic journals both in Mexico and the United States.
Notes and references
↑ Breathtaking beauty on the border - photo exhibition, Tupper Ansel Blake, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Illinois
External links
Alvarez de Williams: The Cocopah People; and Alvarez de Williams: Travelers Among the Cucupá by Wilke, Philip J.