The river's free-flowing status ended when the Animas-La Plata Water Project was completed in 2015. The project pumps water over a low pass to fill a reservoir, Lake Nighthorse, in Ridges Basin to satisfy Southern Ute tribal water rights claims associated with the Colorado Ute Settlement Act amendments of 2000.
Spanish explorer Juan Maria de Rivera of Santa Fe recorded the name "Rio de las Animas" (in English, River of Souls) in 1765. One theory is that the full name of the river was once "Rio de las Animas Perdidas" (River of Lost Souls), although this idea may indicate confusion with the Purgatoire River of southeastern Colorado.
A chart showing current snowpack in the local San Miguel-Dolores-Animas-San JuanRiverBasin. The snow water equivalent is currently at 75% of median, lagging behind much of the state. (Image courtesy of USDA) ... .
A graph of the current snowpack in the local San Miguel-Dolores-Animas-San JuanRiverBasin, which sits at 66% of median. The drier winter could lead to more wildfires this summer. To better prepare for wildfires, there is a free community ... .