Hit! is a 1973 action film directed by Sidney J. Furie and starring Billy Dee Williams and Richard Pryor. It is about a federal agent trying to destroy a drug zone after his daughter dies from a heroin overdose.
An alternate title for the film was Goodbye Marseilles.
Many of the people, both cast and crew, involved in this film had previously worked on Lady Sings the Blues (1972).
The role of Nick Allen was originally written for Steve McQueen.
Hit is a verb meaning to strike someone or something.
Hit or HIT may also refer to:
Hitā (Sanskrit: हिता) means 'causeway' or 'dike'. In the Upanishads this word is used to mean 'subtle connections' or 'canals of subtle energies', or particular 'nerves' or 'veins'. The journey to the heart is said to be through seventy-two thousand subtle channels called Hitā; they are the beneficent active veins (filled with different types of serums).
Proud Balaki skilled in expounding, eloquent, went to Ajatsatru, the King of Benares, to impart superior wisdom to him which he knew only as the conditioned Brahman; he knew about the physical and physiological categories and therefore, the king soon realized that Balaki did not know about Brahman. Balaki was not aware of the fact that whatever he knew was the result of ignorance, that the results of ignorance, being finite things, are separated from him. Ajatsatru then tells Balaki Gargya that reality is to be found in the deep-sleep-consciousness. Pippalada, the sage of the Prashna Upanishad, holds that sleep is caused by the senses being absorbed in that highest 'sensorium' the mind, which is why in deep sleep man is not able to hear, not to see, nor to smell because the mind is then merged into an ocean of light.
Paint is any liquid, liquefiable, or mastic composition that, after application to a substrate in a thin layer, converts to a solid film. It is most commonly used to protect, color, or provide texture to objects. Paint can be made or purchased in many colors—and in many different types, such as watercolor, synthetic, etc. Paint is typically stored, sold, and applied as a liquid, but most types dry into a solid.
In 2011, South African archeologists reported finding a 100,000-year-old human-made ochre-based mixture that could have been used like paint.Cave paintings drawn with red or yellow ochre, hematite, manganese oxide, and charcoal may have been made by early Homo sapiens as long as 40,000 years ago.
Ancient colored walls at Dendera, Egypt, which were exposed for years to the elements, still possess their brilliant color, as vivid as when they were painted about 2,000 years ago. The Egyptians mixed their colors with a gummy substance, and applied them separately from each other without any blending or mixture. They appear to have used six colors: white, black, blue, red, yellow, and green. They first covered the area entirely with white, then traced the design in black, leaving out the lights of the ground color. They used minium for red, and generally of a dark tinge.
Paint (formerly Paintbrush for Windows) is a simple computer graphics program that has been included with all versions of Microsoft Windows. It is often referred to as MS Paint or Microsoft Paint. The program mainly opens and saves files as Windows bitmap (24-bit, 256 color, 16 color, and monochrome, all with the .bmp extension), JPEG, GIF (without animation or transparency, although the Windows 98 version, a Windows 95 upgrade, and the Windows NT4 version did support the latter), PNG (without alpha channel), and single-page TIFF. The program can be in color mode or two-color black-and-white, but there is no grayscale mode. For its simplicity, it rapidly became one of the most used applications in the early versions of Windows—introducing many to painting on a computer for the first time—and is still widely used for very simple image manipulation tasks.
The first version of Paint was introduced with the first version of Windows, Windows 1.0, in November 1985. It was a licensed version of ZSoft Corporation's PC Paintbrush, and supported only 1-bit monochrome graphics under a proprietary "MSP" format. This version was later superseded by Paintbrush in Windows 3.0, with a redesigned user interface, color support and support for the BMP and PCX file formats.
Paint is a pigmented liquid or paste used to apply color to a surface, often by artists.
Paint may also refer to: