Kseniia Petrova, who supported calls for President Putin to be impeached, was detained on arrival at Boston airport last month after returning from a personal visit to France... “She was stopped in the Boston airport and had her visa revoked.
“Let me give you the short answer,” Maher said ...Republican Congressman Anderson McDowell wants to name Dulles airport after Trump. It will be like other airports, except the InternationalTerminal only has departures.” ... Read more here.
American provider of tactical fighter aircraft Draken took responsibility for the incident, saying they had been performing a training exercise nearby when the crew suffered a malfunction and made for CornwallAirportNewquay... Mr Anderson said.
On Wednesday, Cora Anderson, a friend and colleague of Kseniya Petrova, shared the news of Petrova’s detention on Facebook, saying the Russian scientist arrived at Boston Logan international airport ...
The Lanhsa airlines Jetstream-32 took off from Juan Manuel GálvezAirport on the island of Roatán Monday night headed for Guillermo Anderson Airport in mainland La Ceiba... 'They were alive when I arrived, but the airport did not have a rescue team.