Ancrene Wisse (also known as the Ancrene Riwle or Guide for Anchoresses) is an anonymous monastic rule (or manual) for anchoresses written in the early 13th century.
The work consists of eight parts. Parts 1 and 8 deal with what is called the "Outer Rule" (relating to the anchoresses' exterior life), while Parts 2–7 deal with the "Inner Rule" (relating to the anchoresses' interior life). The didactic and devotional material is supplemented by illustrations and anecdotes, many drawn from everyday life.
The adoption of an anchorite life was widespread all over medieval Europe, and was especially popular in England. By the early thirteenth century, it was considered distinct from hermits. The hermit vocation permitted a change of location, whereas the anchorites were bound to one place of enclosure, generally a cell connected to a church.
Ancrene Wisse was originally composed for three sisters who chose to enter the contemplative life. In the early twentieth century, it was thought that this might be Kilburn Priory near the medieval City of London, and attempts were made to date the work to the early twelfth century and to identify the author as the Godwyn who led the house until 1130. More recent works have criticised this view, however. Most notably, this is because the dialect of English in which the work is written clearly originates from somewhere in the English West Midlands, not far from the Welsh border.
Is there a photo of me on your wall in short short-shorts
Or zipped down jeans?
Do you look up at night and wish you were me, under the stage
Under hot lights?
Are you visceral viscous?
Do you want to make love to my sweet visage,
And then pretend it's you, it's you
It was always you
I wrote you a letter to become a member of your fanclub
But all i got in the mail was return to sender
I'm still a big big star
No you're not
Yes I am
No you're not
Yes I am
No you're not.
You liked my latest film
No I didn't
Yes you did
No I didn't
Yes you did
No I didn't
I'm not a fan of yours anymore
Yes you are
No I'm not
Yes you are
No I'm not
Yes you are
But you broke my fragile heart
No I didn't
Yes you did
No I didn't
Yes you did
No I didn't
I hate you
I hate you too
I hate you
I hate you too
I hate you