
Anahí Giovanna Puente Portilla de Velasco known mononymously as Anahí (Spanish pronunciation: [anaˈi]), (born May 14, 1983), is a Mexican singer-songwriter and actress.

She is best known for starring in Alondra (1995), Mujeres Engañadas (1999), Primer Amor (2000), Clase 406 (2003), Rebelde (2004) and Dos Hogares (2011).

She was a member of Latin-teen pop group RBD, who were twice-nominated for a Latin Grammy and sold over 66 million albums. In 2009, she released the album Mi Delirio, which sold a million copies worldwide. She has sold 3 million albums in her career as a solo artist.

As the wife of Manuel Velasco Coello, Governor of Chiapas, she is the First Lady of Chiapas.

Early life

Anahí Giovanna Puente Portilla was born May 14, 1983 Mexico City, Mexico to a Spanish father Enrique Puente and a Mexican mother Marichelo Portilla of paternal Spanish descent.

Acting career

At the age of two, Anahí began her career on a Mexican television program called Chiquilladas. She then starred in numerous films, including Nacidos para Morir and Había Una Vez Una Estrella, with the latter earning her an Ariel Award for Best Child Actress in 1989. She then went on to star in several telenovelas, including Mujer, Casos de la Vida Real, Hora Marcada, Vivo por Elena, La Telaraña and El diario de Daniela.

Anahí (disambiguation)

Anahí may also refer to:

  • Anahí, a Mexican actress and singer.
  • Anahí (album), a 1993 album by Anahí.
  • Anahí (mythology), a mythological character from the Indian folklore of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay
  • Anahí (album)

    Anahí is the first LP by Mexican pop-singer Anahí. The songs were recorded when she was nine years old. However, it was hampered by a lack of recording and production cohesion and did not do well commercially. Anahí recorded this LP with Discos America in 1993. It is officially a promotional album - it is not considered an official album from Anahí's discography and is no longer available. The song "Te Doy Un Besito" served to close a children's show in Mexico and was the only track to promote the album. All the tracks were written by Daniel Garcia and Mario Schajris except "El Ratón Pérez" alongside Sciamerella.

    Track listing


    External links

  • Anahí's official website

  • Podcasts:


    Es el amor

    by: anahi

    De verdad, todo bien
    solo que estoy hecha todo un tres
    no preguntes por que
    si tu nombre pinto en la pared
    llenas todo el espacio
    Y aunque no quiera
    voy siguiendote a cada paso
    No hay cuestion, no hay por que
    si mis ojos siguen lo que ven
    Y tu vives en mi, eso desde siempre you lo se
    cada beso hace estragos
    Y si resumo mis cuentas, se que te amo
    Es como un grito de salvese quien pueda
    en la locura total y viceversa
    un viva, una explosion
    y una adorada respuesta
    Es el amor
    que viene y golpes sacudiendome
    que va entre mis venas revolviendome
    da golpe tras golpe estremeciendome
    viene con todo
    El amor
    un dulce veneno, que invadiendome
    me amarra a tus ojos elevandome
    me aferra a tu boca sometiendome
    es el amor
    Y no hay nada mejor
    como esto de pensar en ti
    Yo me subo a tu tren
    y sin equipaje llevame
    de tu mano despacio
    voy hasta el fin del planeta y de todo paso
    En mi cabeza haces miles de piruetas
    tienes la llave y vas abriendo puerstas
    y aqui en mi corazon
    hay un intruso que llega
    Es el amor
    que viene y golpea sacudiendome...
    El amor
    un dulce veneno...
    Y las razones que tu me das
    estan bien, son de mas, son suficientes
    Es el amor
    que viene y golpea sacudiendome..
    El amor
    un dulce veneno...

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