Ana Layevska
Anna Sergeyevna Layevska (Russian: Анна Сергеевна Лаевская) (born January 10, 1982), known as Ana Layevska, is a Ukrainian-Mexican actress and singer.
Early life
Born in Kiev, Ukraine, Ana is the only child of Russian parents, violinist Serguéi Laievski and actress Inna Rastsvetaeva. In 1987, Ana and her family moved from Kiev to Moscow, and in 1991 they moved to Mexico. She started playing the violin when she was five and started acting upon moving to Mexico.
In Mexico she studied acting in the Centro de Educación Artística of Televisa. Thanks to her skills she obtained some roles in novelas such as Preciosa (1998) and Amor Gitano (1999), acting with Mauricio Islas and Mariana Seoane. Those were relatively small roles but they were good experience as well.
Eventually, producer Pedro Damián called her to participate in telenovelas Primer amor... a mil por hora (2000), in which she shared credits with Anahí, Kuno Becker, Mauricio Islas and Valentino Lanús. She won the TVyNovelas Award for best female revelation, as well as the Palmas de Oro prize in the same category.