Ana Cara

Ana C. Cara is a creolist, translator, and Professor of Hispanic Studies at Oberlin College.

She graduated from Middlebury College with a Bachelor of Arts in 1972, from University of Pennsylvania with a Master of Arts in Folklore and Folklife in 1974, and with a Doctor of Philosophy in Folklore and Folklife in 1983. She was visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley.


  • 2007 Willis Barnstone Translation Prize
  • Works

  • "The Poetics of Creole Talk: Toward an Aesthetic of Argentine Verbal Art", Journal of American Folklore, Volume 116, Number 459, Winter 2003, pp. 36-56
  • Baron, Robert, Cara, Ana, "Introduction: Creolization and Folklore", Journal of American Folklore, 2003
  • References

    External links

  • "Ana Cara", Google Scholar
  • Podcasts:


    Late Redemption

    by: Angra

    [During the last moments on the life of this crusader, he is still questioning: "Was I right? Was I wrong?" Memories and thoughts twist his mind. The prisoner is being visited by angels. Or are they demons? Who knows? How can the purest heart judge evil? The Angel of Death stretches his arms and offers a comfortable eternal silence. The Shadow Hunter delivers his body and soul, sure of his Late Redemption.]
    You wasted all your chances
    To find yourself lost and lonely
    Were so foolish
    You were selfish
    Much too blind to realzie
    You messed up your own life...
    Eu vou contando os dias
    E já, já não tenho medo
    Eu lhe peço
    Eu imploro
    Quando a minha hora chegar
    Meu descanso minha paz
    I go on counting my days
    And I'm not afraid anymore
    I ask you, I beg you
    When my time comes
    My rest, my peace
    Cante uma canção desconhecida
    [TR.: Sing an unknown song]
    Posioning with hope
    the hearts around you
    Plante mais lembranças na sua vida
    [TR.: Plant more memories from your life]
    Death is calling you
    (Now or never!)
    Nada além do amor é o que parece
    [TR.: Nothing but love is what it seems]
    Please the ones you love
    before you miss'em
    Toda a minha dor na minha prece.
    [TR.: All my pain in my pray]
    Win my chances back cause
    Life is short but it's never late!
    Tempo que passou
    [TR.: Time that passed]
    It's time to find Redemption
    Não vai mais voltar
    [TR.: Won't come back anymore]
    Only love defies the Resurection
    Tudo que se foi
    [TR.: All that is gone]
    Mark my words: God's abandoned this world!
    Would I live again?
    What's the new religion? Yeah!
    And what shall be the bread?
    Really I don't give a damn!
    Never wanna live again
    In this vain emotion
    Over for me!
    Sing a lullaby now I remember
    Tempo que se foi e não se esquece mais
    [TR.: Time that's gone won't be forgotten]
    Memories are twisting in my mind
    Win my chances back
    Cause life is short but it's never late
    Tempo que passou
    [TR.: Time that passed]
    It's time to find Redemption
    Não vai mais voltar
    [TR.: Won't come back anymore]
    Only love defies the resurection
    Tudo que se foi
    [TR.: All that is gone]
    Mark my words: God's abandoned this world!
    Toda a minha dor
    [TR.: All my pain]
    My destiny is over
    Nunca vai voltar
    [TR.: Will never come anymore]
    And this hope above your comprehension
    Tempo que se foi
    [TR.: Time that's gone]
    Is the love you've been dreaming so long
    Over for me.
    [TR.: Never...]
    ...tudo se acabou.
