Amung or Amungme may refer to:
So you want to make a meal?
A Breakfast so unreal?
With imagination
Take that apron out
We'll start off nice and slow
(Hey!) Pancakes oughta be simple
Just mix your flour, baking powder
Add salt, and sugar
Sift twice into a bowl
In another beat together eggs and butter
Add milk and you're on your way to
Bacon Pancakes
Makin' Bacon Pancakes!
Take some bacon and
I'll put it in a pancake
Bacon Pancakes
That's what its gonna make
Bacon Pancakes!
And each day that passes
Without pancakes
Takes away all the joy
That we could have made
With some bacon covered by a pancake
Bacon Pancake
Quit singing the chorus
It's infectious as Syphilis
We need to focus
Get your head back in the game
Mix the wet and dry
And stop when it is smooth
Now let it sit for 10 minutes
That's enough to go
Watch Adventure Time!
But don't relax quite yet
Lest ye forget the magic
So kill and skin a pig for
Bacon Pancakes
Makin' Bacon Pancakes!
Take some bacon and
I'll put it in a pancake
Bacon Pancakes
That's what its gonna make
Bacon Pancakes!
Please don't actually try
To cook to this song
'Cause we're not liable
If you burn your mom's house down
But then again
Bacon Pancakes are worth the risk
Bacon Pancakes!
Now it's time for you
To take it to the very next level
By making bacon by bakin bacon
Praying to the bacon gods
The be takin' the time to-
Line a sheet with foil
Place those bacon slices on top
Heat that oven up
And let that pig fat cook
"Oh my glob Melissa,
Like get your lumpy butt
Over here right now!"
They're putting bacon
In the pancakes could it be?
The greatest parts of breakfast
Joined in harmony!
Bacon Pancakes
Makin' Bacon Pancakes!
Take some bacon and
I'll put it in a pancake
Bacon Pancakes
That's what its gonna make
Bacon Pancakes!
Bacon Pancakes
Makin' Bacon Pancakes!
Take some bacon and
I'll put it in a pancake
Bacon Pancakes
That's what its gonna make
Bacon Pancakes!
Filled with bacon!
It's just perfection
All day, everyday