J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium contains many locations. Some of the minor places in the region of Beleriand during the First Age are described below. It is to be supposed that all of them were destroyed in the Drowning of Beleriand during the War of Wrath unless otherwise noted.
A tower on the island of Tol Sirion that guarded the Pass of Sirion. Minas Tirith was built early in the First Age by Finrod to keep watch upon the doings of Morgoth on the northern plain of Ard-galen and prevent passage south by Orcs through the Pass of Sirion, the West Gate of Beleriand. It was under the command of Finrod's brother Orodreth.
In 457 First Age it was stormed and taken by Sauron. Sauron, then also known as Gorthaur, made it a place of such terror and horror it was renamed Tol-in-Gaurhoth, the Isle of Werewolves.
Amon may refer to:
Major and recurring characters from the military science fiction series StarCraft are listed below, organised by respective species and most commonly affiliated faction within the fictional universe. The story of the StarCraft series revolves around interstellar affairs in a distant sector of the galaxy, where three species are vying for supremacy: the Terrans, a highly factionalised future version of humanity, the Protoss, a theocratic race of vast psionic ability; and the Zerg, an insectoid species commanded by a hive mind persona. The latter two of these species were genetically engineered by the Xel'Naga, a fourth species believed extinct. The series was begun with Blizzard Entertainment's 1998 video game StarCraft, and has been expanded with sequels Insurrection, Retribution, Brood War, Ghost, Wings of Liberty, Heart of the Swarm, and Legacy of the Void. The franchise has been further extended with a series of novels, graphic novels and other works.
In the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, Amon (/ˈeɪmən/ AY-mən), also known as Amon the Wolf, is a deposed Duke of Hell.
Amon was first detailed in Gary Gygax's article "From the Sorcerer's Scroll: New Denizens of Devildom," in Dragon #75 (TSR, 1983). He also appeared in the original Monster Manual II (1983).
The Planescape supplement Faces of Evil: The Fiends (1997) briefly described Amon. He appears in the adventure A Paladin in Hell (1998).
In third edition, Amon was given statistics in an online web enhancement for the Book of Vile Darkness (2002) titled "Yet More Archfiends". Amon was briefly detailed in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (2006).
This fiend has a nine feet tall, humanlike body and the head of a wolf. He carries a gigantic mace with the iron face of a wolf at the end of its shaft. Amon is always accompanied by his winter wolf companion, Soulfang.
Amon is the late arch-Duke Geryon's former lieutenant, once in command of 40 companies of osyluths.