Amok (sometimes spelled AMOK, A.M.O.K., A+M+O+K, or A•M•O•K) is an action game for Windows and Sega Saturn in which a robot called "Slambird" is guided through nine different scenarios to complete several objectives. Developed by Lemon, Amok began as a technology demo for the Sega 32X, but was reworked for the Saturn after Sega discontinued support for the 32X.
Taking place on the planet Amok, a company war has been raging on for 47 years straight. However, upon the 47th year, a peace treaty was finally put into effect and both warring sides ceased fire. Unbeknownst to them is The Bureau, an underground collection of Arms Dealers who were benefiting from the constant weapon sales. The Bureau starts a plan to keep the war going by striking the heart of a strong military compound and research center on the island of Falster. By employing the mercenary mech-pilot Gert Staun - commandeering their latest light ground-sea mech, the Slam Bird - does the Bureau hope to achieve their ultimate goal.
Running amok is a state of mind characterised by uncontrolled, murderous violence.
Amok may also refer to:
Amok (subtitled "II Gigante Mascherato", "the Masked Giant") is an Italian comic book series created by Cesare Solini and Antonio Canale.
The comics started its publications in October 1946, published by Agostino della Casa; the authors, writer Cesare Solini and artist Antonio Canale, signed the comics with the pen names Phil Anderson and Tony Chan. Inspired by the Phantom, it features an Indonesian giant man, born on the Java island, that becomes a masked crimefighter after the kidnapping of his girlfriend.
Despite the success obtained, Amok ended its publications in 1948; over the years it was reprinted several times. The series was also published in several foreign countries.
In Sweden, the comic was renamed Kilroy when it was first published in 1948. The name was inspired by the popular graffiti phrase Kilroy was here. It was such a success in Sweden that new stories were produced directly for the Swedish market (by artists Rolf Gohs and Francisco Cueto) and it was published until the 1970s.
Secret Warriors is a Marvel series featuring Nick Fury and Team White, a team of superpowered agents in the Marvel Comics Universe. Created by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev, the characters were introduced in Mighty Avengers #13, and debuted as a team in Secret Invasion #3, both published in 2008.
The team was introduced in the Secret Invasion tie-in issues of Mighty Avengers and then featured in their own ongoing series. This series was co-plotted by Bendis with Jonathan Hickman writing. and was one of the titles launching as part of the Dark Reign storyline. The series was promoted by a series of passwords and clues given in solicitations for upcoming issues. A Marvel spokesman stated that further passwords would be released for the website later on.
The characters were thrown into battle for the first time when the Skrulls kicked their invasion of Earth into high gear. Manhattan became a war zone with Super Skrulls devastating the city, and Fury led the team into the heart of the battle. The arrival of the team turned the tide of battle enough to rescue the combined forces of the Initiative and the Young Avengers from being killed by the Skrulls. Fury rallied all the other heroes together with his agents and began a series of hit and run attacks on the Skrull forces throughout the city. But this tactic would only get them so far. It took all of them just to take out a few Super Skrulls at a time. A better chance at defeating the Skrull invasion came at the sight of Thor's lightning calling them all to Central Park. There, the team gathered with all of the other assembled heroes and repelled the Skrull invasion. In the immediate aftermath of the heroes' victory, Fury and his agents quickly took their leave and went back underground.
The Hellfire Club is a fictional society appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The Hellfire Club often comes into confrontation with the mutant superhero team, the X-Men. Although the Club appears to merely be an international social club for wealthy elites, its clandestine Inner Circle seeks to influence world events, in accordance with their own agenda.
Created by the Uncanny X-Men writer/artist duo of Chris Claremont and John Byrne, they were heavily influenced by a 1966 episode of the British television series The Avengers ("A Touch of Brimstone"). The name "Hellfire Club" in fact has a historical precedent, having been a popular name for gentlemen's clubs in the 18th century. Additionally, the hierarchy of the Inner Circle is modeled on the pieces of a chess set, with Black and White sets of Kings, Queens, Bishops and Rooks.
The Hellfire Club and its Inner Circle were introduced in "The Dark Phoenix Saga", attempting to subvert the X-Men's Jean Grey. This incarnation, composed most notably of Black King Sebastian Shaw and White Queen Emma Frost, would remain prominent for many years. After their initial confrontations, the Hellfire Club and the X-Men settled into an uneasy alliance. This eventually changed as endless power struggles perpetuated a series of upheavals within the Inner Circle. The club has appeared in two X-Men animated series (X-Men: The Animated Series and Wolverine and the X-Men), both times being renamed as simply The Inner Circle, due to the hesitations to use the word Hellfire in animated children series. Members of the Hellfire Club appeared in 2011's X-Men: First Class as the main villains, led by Sebastian Shaw and Emma Frost.
Hellfire is the third studio album by Norwegian black metal band 1349. It was released on 24 October 2005 through Candlelight Records.
A music video was produced for the track "Sculptor of Flesh". The video, directed by Judd Tilyard, alternates between footage of the band performing the song in Norway and clips of surgery filmed in Australia.