Amnisos, also Amnissos and Amnisus (Greek: Ἀμνισός or Ἀμνισσός; Linear B: 𐀀𐀖𐀛𐀰 - A-mi-ni-so), is a bronze-aged settlement on the north shore of Crete and was used as a port to the palace city of Knossos. It appears in Greek literature and mythology from the earliest times, but its origin is far earlier, in prehistory. The historic settlement belonged to a civilization now called Minoan. Excavation at Amnisos in 1932 uncovered a villa that included the "House of the Lilies", which was named for the lily theme that was depicted in a wall fresco.
Amnisos is 7 km east of Heraklion (Iraklio) on a beach used for recreation by the citizens of the modern city. The current sea level is three meters higher than the bronze-aged sea level. Drowned houses are visible.
The ancient settlement bears the same name as the river exiting there. Currently called the Karteros, from the iron-aged name of Caeratus, the river was the Amnisos during the Bronze Age. Across from its mouth is a very small island called Amnisos. The river begins on Mount Ida in central Crete and runs through Karteros Ravine. During the drier season, the river is reduced to a stream. The divinities, Amnisiades, were associated with the river.
Look around, hear go
People died
When the other man lied
See the TV look around
Hear go the sound of the wreckin' ball
And I, boom
I testified (x4)
Shirts around
I testified
My mama cried
Black people died
When the other man lied
See the TV look around
Like shirts it hurts
Wit a neck to wreck
look around
Hear go the sound of the wreckin' ball
I testified
My mama cried
Black people died
When the other man lied
See the TV look around
Like shirts it hurts
Wit a neck to wreck
look around
Hear go the sound of the wreckin' ball
look around
Hear go the sound of the wreckin' ball
Boom, boom and Pound
When I
Shut 'em down
look around
Hear go the
people died
When the other man lied
See the TV look around
Like shirts it hurts
Wit a neck to wreck
people died
When the other man lied
See the TV look around
Hear go the sound of the wreckin' ball
And I
Look around (x7)
Look around
hear go the sound of the wreckin' ball
Boom, boom and pound
Shut 'em down
And I
look around