HIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "Instruments" is not recognizedHIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "Brother" is not recognized
Amir Issaa also known as Amir or Meticcio (born 10 December 1978) is an Italian rapper. He is called Meticcio because his mother is roman and his father from Egypt. He sung the title song of the soundtrack for the movie .
Emir (/əˈmɪər, eɪˈmɪər, ˈeɪmɪər/; Arabic: أمير ʾAmīr [ʔæˈmiːr]), sometimes transliterated (olowan, Datu in Meranau common version) Amir, Amier or Ameer, is an aristocratic or noble title of high office used in a variety of places in the Arab countries and Afghanistan. It means commander, general, or prince. The feminine form is Emira (أميرة ʾAmīrah). When translated as prince, the word "emirate" is analogous to a sovereign principality.
Amir, meaning "Lord" or "commander-in-chief", is derived from the Arabic root a-m-r, "command". Originally simply meaning commander-in-chief or leader, usually in reference to a group of people, it came to be used as a title for governors or rulers, usually in smaller states, and in modern Arabic is analogous to the English word "prince". The word entered English in 1593, from the French émir. It was one of the titles or names of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Amir (Persian: امير; Previously: Timsar, Persian: تيمسار), is the honorific title used for officer of high rank, ranking 2nd Brigadier General and higher in the Islamic Republic of Iran Army. The title is also used to address Law Enforcement Force of Islamic Republic of Iran commanders, except for those who previously have served in the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, where "Sardar" is equivalent to the title. Amirs are often graduates of the University of Command and Staff (DAFOOS).
Ranks being addressed by the title in Ground Force, Air Force and Air Defense Base include:
Ranks being addressed by the title in the Navy include:
Amir (also spelled Ameer or Emir, Arabic: أمير, Turkish: Emir, Persian: امير, Hebrew: אמיר, pronounced [aːmˈiːr]) is a masculine name with two meanings, one is Arabic/Hebraic origin derived from the three letters AMR which means 'to give orders' or a "Prince". The title Emir in Arabic, which is essentially the same word as Amir, therefore means: "one who gives orders". It also means summit of a tree in Hebrew; and other one in Persian is pronounced in the same way but it has a different meaning, it consists of two parts; "A" which means "Un" and "mir" which is the root of the verb "Mordan مُرَدن" ( to die ), so Amir in Persian means the one who [his spirit and his memory] will never die.
ich suche keine entschuldigung
ich war immer so
warum sollte es mir jetzt leid tun
ich rutsch vor dir nicht auf den knien rum
es wär noch schlimmer so
was soll ich machen
ich war immer so
über alle maßen anmaßend zu sein
ist spaßend
und klein wirkt alles
wenn ich staub aufwühle mich größer fühle
über deinen dingen zu stehen
sie einfach nicht mehr zu sehen
ist bequem und außerdem
ich war immer so: es wär zu spät daß es mir leid tut
ich war immer so: ich suche keine entschuldigung
mir ist egal was dich an mir stört
und wie lange noch
du versuchst mich zu verändern
es bleibt hoffnungslos weil es zu mir gehört
genau so wie du
also laß mich in ruh
ich weiß auch nicht was es ist
vielleicht bin ich ein egoist
weil das der einzige weg ist
rauszufinden wer du wirklich bist
alles dreht sich nur um dich
ich brenne für dich
die frage ist bleibt das mit uns für
immer so