American Chopper is a reality television series that airs on Discovery Channel, produced by Pilgrim Films & Television. The series centers on Paul Teutul, Sr. (frequently called Senior), and his son Paul Teutul, Jr. (also known as Paulie or simply Junior), who manufacture custom chopper-style motorcycles. Orange County Choppers is in Newburgh, New York. The contrasting work and creative styles of the father and son team and their resulting verbal arguments were the series' hallmark until 2008 when a culminating explosive argument led to Paul Jr.'s termination and departure to start a competing chopper company (Paul Jr. Designs).
Originally aired on Discovery Channel beginning in March 2003. In December 2007, the series moved to Discovery's sister channel TLC, starting off with an 18-hour marathon. Its first TLC season premiered in January 2008. Season 6 began in April 2009 but the series was canceled by TLC in February 2010. In July 2010, TLC announced that the Teutuls would return in a new series, American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior. Senior vs. Junior premiered on TLC but was soon moved to Discovery halfway through the first season. Discovery Channel announced that the show would end with "The Chopper Live: The Revenge" show on December 11, 2012 after 10 seasons.
The American Chopper series consists of several main seasons and also types of episodes (specials, etc.). The purpose of this guide is to organize the episodes of 'Season 3' which was originally aired in 2005.
The American Chopper series consists of several main seasons and also types of episodes (specials, etc.). The purpose of this guide is to organize the episodes of 'Season 4' which was originally aired in 2006 and 2007.
American Chopper episodes.