Amba Aradam is a mountain in northern Ethiopia. Located in the Debub Misraqawi (Southeastern) Zone of the Tigray Region, between Mek'ele and Addis Abeba, it has a latitude and longitude of 13°20′N 39°31′E / 13.333°N 39.517°E / 13.333; 39.517 and an elevation of 2,756 metres (9,042 ft). The mount is famous for the Battle of Enderta that the Italians fought in order to capture Amba Aradam on 15 February 1936, and for the massacre three years later, as an action against the Arbegnoch, or Ethiopian partisans.
Between 9–11 April 1939, a group of Arbegnoch led by Abebe Aregai, had taken refuge in the Amezena Washa (Cavern of the Rebels), which was in Amba Aradam. The party included members of the Arbegnoch, but also their relatives, wounded, and other refugee non-combatants.
On 9 April 1939, the chemical platoon of the Granatieri di Savoia Division attacked the Arbegnoch using bombs with poison gas, killing most of those inside. Only fifteen persons succeeded in escaping from the cave. Those who continued the resistance inside the cave were killed with flamethrowers. The extent of the cave made it difficult to explore for the remaining members of the resistance who were still within, so the Italian military command gave the order to seal it with explosives:
A Paris, la nuit, Pigalle s'illumine.
Les clients des bars ont des mauvaises mines.
Sous les lampes crues,
Les sourires se fardent.
Dans un coin, ?perdus,
Deux amants se regardent.
Emporte-moi bien loin, bien loin d'ici.
Emporte-moi l?-bas, dans ton pays.
Arrache-moi de ce monde o? je vis.
Emporte-moi bien loin, bien loin d'ici...
A Paris, la nuit, les c?urs vieillissent vite.
Sur le seuil des bars, des l?vres vous invitent.
Sous les lampes crues,
Des souvenirs grimacent.
Dans un coin, ?perdus
Nos deux amants s'enlacent.
Emporte-moi bien loin, bien loin d'ici.
Emporte-moi l?-bas, dans ton pays.
Arrache-moi de ce monde o? je vis.
Emporte-moi bien loin, bien loin d'ici...
Au petit matin, le ciel devient tout rose.
Le quartier s'?teint, c'est l'heure o? l'on arrose.
Au dernier bistrot,
Le patron fait la gueule.
Une femme au bar chantonne toute seule.