The Amali, also called Amals or Amalings, were a leading dynasty of the Goths, a Germanic people who confronted the Roman Empire in its declining years in the west. They eventually became the royal house of the Ostrogoths and founded the Ostrogothic Kingdom of Italy.
Jordanes accounts Gothic origins as follows: "Now the first of these heroes, as they themselves relate in their legends, was Gapt, who begat Hulmul. And Hulmul begat Augis; and Augis begat him who was called Amal, from whom the name of the Amali comes. Athal begat Achiulf and Oduulf. Now Achiulf begat Ansila and Ediulf, Vultuulf and Ermanaric." Ermanaric (also referred to as Ermanaricus or Hermanaric), is identified as a Greuthungian king who ruled territories in modern Ukraine.
The Amali remained a prominent family as the Greuthungi evolved into the Ostrogoths, became vassals of the Huns and moved west. In 453, the Ostrogoths regained their independence under the Amali, Theodemir. According to Jordanes, "Vultuulf begat Valaravans and Valaravans begat Vinitharius. Vinitharius moreover begat Vandalarius; Vandalarius begat Theodemir and Valamir and Vidimer." Theodemir's son, Theoderic the Great, founded the Ostrogothic Kingdom.
The year comes as the sun sets
my eyes swell with simplicity
the call of human nothingness
the answer of everything
i find myself lost in your majesty
The worlds tells of innocence
like the child inside of me
it's only good while its hearts beats beauty
brave the pain
so you may drink of me
You left me
as i walk beside the water
look up to the moon
my life becomes a river
as i run into you
Stars prick their bed of pink
bleeding blue
find there way to you eyes
as i stare into you
self falls away in the twilight
this is the first of our summer nights
now there is nothing we must be or do
If i could freeze this moment in time
i'd frame it and hang it in the hall of divive
i'd call the whole world and beg them to see
how much we love
how lucky i'd be
You left me
as i walk beside the water
look up to the moon
my life becomes a river
as i run into you
I don't know where we end up begin
i don't know if that's yours of my skin
i've got nothing to lose
everything I am i give up to you
As i walk beside the water
look up to the moon
my life becomes a river
as i run into you
I walk beside the water
look up to the moon
my life becomes a river
as i run into you
Comes as the sunsets
my eyes swell with simplicity
self falls away in the twilight