Globes (Hebrew: גלובס) is a Hebrew-language daily evening financial newspaper founded in the early 1980s and published in Israel. It deals with economic issues and news from the Israeli and international business worlds, and is the oldest financial newspaper in Israel. The color of the paper is pink, inspired by the British Financial Times.
According to TGI 2009 media survey Globes′ market share rose 15% over the year to 4.4%. Its main competitors in printed media are TheMarker of the Haaretz group and Calcalist published by Yedioth Ahronoth Group. Since 1997 Globes has an online version.
The daily paper founded by Haim Bar-On, the publisher of the newspaper, on the basis of a small, Haifa-based financial newspaper, in partnership with businessman Eliezer Fishman. Fishman in recent years also bought a stake in Yedioth Ahronoth.
Following the success of Globes, it had a competitor in the form of Telegraph, which had a lower subscription price and was also printed on Saturday. Telegraph was closed after several years. A few years later, the Schocken Media Network published TheMarker economic newspaper as a competitor to Globes.
The Wych Elm cultivar Ulmus glabra 'Firma' was described by Schneider in 1904.
The tree was described as having leaves like the species but firmer in texture.
Probably extinct.
Firma (Serbian Cyrillic: Фирма, English: The Firm) are the organised supporters of the Serbian professional football club Vojvodina Novi Sad. The members of Firma call themselves Firmaši (Serbian Cyrillic: Фирмаши), the plural of the singular form Firmaš, and they generally support all clubs within the Vojvodina Novi Sad Sports Society.
The Firma consist mainly of groups from the neighborhoods and suburbs of Novi Sad. In addition to the numerous groups, the Firma has also subgroups like: Bački Odred, G-3, Divizija, Freaks, Old Town Boys, Over Thirty, Pandora, Rajkersi, Red Firm, Sanatorijum, Sremski Front, UltraNS etc. Vojvodina has also a group of their oldest supporters, called the Stara Garda (Serbian Cyrillic: Стара Гарда).
The University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway (Norwegian: Universitetet i Tromsø – Norges arktiske universitet; is the world's northernmost university. Located in the city of Tromsø, Norway, it was established in 1968, and opened in 1972. It is one of eight universities in Norway. The University of Tromsø is the largest research and educational institution in northern Norway. The University's location makes it a natural venue for the development of studies of the region's natural environment, culture, and society.
The main focus of the University's activities is on the Auroral light research, Space science, Fishery science, Biotechnology, Linguistics, Multicultural societies, Saami culture, Telemedicine, epidemiology and a wide spectrum of Arctic research projects. The close vicinity of the Norwegian Polar Institute, the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research and the Polar Environmental Centre gives Tromsø added weight and importance as an international centre for Arctic research. Research activities, however, are not limited to Arctic studies. The University researchers work within a broad range of subjects and are recognised both nationally and internationally.
UIT may refer to:
Comandante Cappellini or Cappellini was a World War II Italian Marcello-class submarine built for the Italian Royal Navy (Italian: Regia Marina). After Italy's surrender, the submarine was captured by the Japanese and handed over to Germany as UIT-24. Following the capitulation of Germany, the Japanese integrated the boat into their fleet as I-503. Following the end of the war, the United States scuttled the submarine in 1946.
Operating under the BETASOM command, Comandante Cappellini made war patrols in the Atlantic Ocean sinking or damaging 31,000 tons of enemy shipping. She participated in the rescue of the survivors of the Laconia in September 1942. Was later converted to the transport of strategic materials to and from Japan. After Italy's capitulation in 1943, the submarine, was captured by the Imperial Japanese Navy and handed over to Germany at Sabang on 10 September 1943. Commissioned into the Kriegsmarine as foreign U-boat UIT-24 and assigned to 12th U-boat Flotilla with a mixed Italian and German crew. She remained in the Pacific despite failed attempts to return to the 12th flotilla base at Bordeaux, France.