EMT may refer to:
AS EMT is Estonia's and one of the largest Baltic's mobile operator. Founded on 28 April 1991 as an Estonian (Eesti Telekom) Swedish-Finnish (TeliaSonera) joint company.
Headquartered in Tallinn. Traded on NASDAQ OMX stock exchanges.
EMTÉ is a supermarket chain in the Netherlands. It is part of Sligro Food Group. EMTÉ was founded in 1948 as a butcher. In 2015 it has 130 stores.
EMTÉ started back in 1948 as a butcher in the city of Waalwijk in the Netherlands. The owner Mechie Trommelen was planning to open a second location in the city of Drunen. But he got inspired by two already existing companies to open a supermarket. So on March 2, 1965 he opened his first supermarket called EMTÉ. It was a success so a second store was opened, this time with a liquor store in it. A third store was opened in 1973, a fourth in 1978, a fifth in 1982. This went on until EMTÉ had 12 locations. In 2002 EMTÉ became part of Sligro Food Group. In three years the amount of locations went from 12 to 18. In 2006 EMTÉ took over the Edah stores. After this the EMTÉ had 82 locations. And was still growing and expanding its locations. After taking over Sanders, Golff, and some locations of Spar the amount of EMTÉ locations became the current 130.
I think to myself; it's only a dream
But, God, the connection is real that brings me here
What did I do to deserve the place that I'm in
Did I sin?
It's so dark down here I can't see a thing
I'm so stiff, so numb, I can't feel a thing
My legs, my hands, my body is so cold
Am I old?
They laugh at each other and wallow about
In the slime of the depths of forgotten meaningless rhymes
Even the quiet of voices of people that heal
Think I'm real
Through shades of depths of madness I hear
The violence of the people that talk without fear
For they know that I've gone
They're glad that I'm not coming back