Alulim was the first king of Eridu, and the first king of Sumer, according to the mythological antediluvian section of the Sumerian King List. Enki, the god of Eridu, is said to have brought civilization to Sumer at this point, or just shortly before.
The Sumerian King List has the following entry for Alulim:
In a chart of antediluvian generations in Babylonian and Biblical traditions, Professor William Wolfgang Hallo associates Alulim with the composite half-man, half-fish counselor or culture hero (Apkallu) Uanna-Adapa (Oannes), and suggests an equivalence between Alulim and Enosh in the Sethite genealogy given in Genesis chapter 5. Hallo notes that Alulim's name means "Stag".
William H. Shea suggests that Alulim was a contemporary of the biblical figure Adam, who may have been derived from Adapa of ancient Mesopotamian religion.
Y'all come, (y'all come), y'all come, (y'all come)
Oh, y'all come to see us when you can
Y'all come, (y'all come), y'all come, (y'all come)
Oh, y'all come to see us now and then.
When you live in the country everybody is your neighbor
On this one thing you can rely
They'll all come to see you and never, never leave you
Saying y'all come to see us by and by.
Y'all come, (y'all come), y'all come, (y'all come)
Oh, y'all come to see us when you can
Y'all come, (y'all come), y'all come, (y'all come)
Oh, y'all come to see us now and then.
The kinfolks 're coming, coming by the dozen
Eatin' everything from soup to hay, hay, hay
And right after dinner they ain't looking any thinner
And here's what you'll hear them say.
Y'all come, (y'all come), y'all come, (y'all come)
Oh, y'all come to see us when you can
Y'all come, (y'all come), y'all come, (y'all come)
Oh, y'all come to see us now and then.
--- Instrumental ---
Oh, old grandma's a wishing they'd come out to the
And help her do the dishes right away
But they all start leavin', even though she's a
You can still hear grandma say.
Y'all come, (y'all come), y'all come, (y'all come)
Oh, y'all come to see us when you can
Y'all come, (y'all come), y'all come, (y'all come)
Oh, y'all come to see us now and then.
Oh, y'all come to see us now and then...