Altadis is a multinational purveyor and manufacturer of cigarettes, tobacco and cigars. Altadis was formed via a 1999 merger between Tabacalera, the former Spanish tobacco monopoly and SEITA, the former French tobacco monopoly. Through its international holdings, including ownership of the former Consolidated Cigar Holdings Inc. and half ownership of the Cuban state tobacco monopoly, Habanos S.A., Altadis is today the largest producer of mass market and premium cigars in the world, as well as the fourth largest producer of tobacco products. The company was acquired by the British tobacco giant Imperial Tobacco in 2008.
In 1926, France concentrated its tobacco industry into a single state-run monopoly called Service d'Exploitation industrielle des tabacs (SEIT). The production of matches (alumettes) was added to the state monopoly's purview in 1935 and the company was renamed SEITA.
Following the end of World War II, Spain similarly established a state-owned tobacco monopoly called Tabacalera, Sociedad Anonima, Compañia Gestora del Monopolio de Tabacos y Servicios Anejos, commonly known as Tabacalera.
Old ways,
it sure is hard
to change 'em
Come what may
It's hard to teach
a dinosaur a new trick
Lately I've been finding out
I'm set in my ways
Old ways,
can be your ball
and chain.
Oh, I'm gonna stop that grass
And give up all this drinking
Really gonna make my life last
Clean up my whole way of living
Up until the party last night
I was a different man
But old ways
got their way again.
The economy was getting so bad
I had to lay myself off
Well, working was a habit I had
So I kept showin' up anyway
Then one day
things turned around
I got my back pay
Old ways
comin' through again.