In set theory, when dealing with sets of infinite size, the term almost or nearly is used to mean all the elements except for finitely many.
In other words, an infinite set S that is a subset of another infinite set L, is almost L if the subtracted set L\S is of finite size.
This is conceptually similar to the almost everywhere concept of measure theory, but is not the same. For example, the Cantor set is uncountably infinite, but has Lebesgue measure zero. So a real number in (0, 1) is a member of the complement of the Cantor set almost everywhere, but it is not true that the complement of the Cantor set is almost the real numbers in (0, 1).
Almost is a term in mathematics (especially in set theory) used to mean all the elements except for finitely many.
Almost may also refer to:
"Almost" is a song by the band, Bowling for Soup. It was released in January 2005 as the second single of their album, A Hangover You Don't Deserve in 2005.
It tells the story of a young adult who goes through many 'almost' experiences during his life, from almost making out with the homecoming queen to almost getting addicted to drugs. He shows remorse for not 'making his move' earlier, and he 'almost' wishes she loved him too.
Moxie is a brand of carbonated beverage that was among the first mass-produced soft drinks in the United States. It continues to be regionally popular today. It is produced by the Moxie Beverage Company of Bedford, New Hampshire, which (through several levels of wholly owned subsidiaries) is part of the Kirin Holdings Company of Tokyo, Japan. As a result of widespread brand advertising, the brand name has become the word "moxie" in the English language, meaning "courage, daring, or spirit".
Moxie's flavor is unique, as it is not as sweet as most modern soft drinks and is described by some as bitter. Moxie is flavored with gentian root extract, an extremely bitter substance which was reputed to possess medicinal properties. It originated around 1876 as a patent medicine called "Moxie Nerve Food".
Moxie is closely associated with the state of Maine and was designated the official soft drink of Maine on May 10, 2005. Its creator, Dr. Augustin Thompson, was born in Union, Maine, but Moxie was created and first produced in Lowell, Massachusetts.
Moxie is a historic trimaran sailboat. It was custom designed by Dick Newick and built by Walter Greene to the 56 ft (17 m) OSTAR race limit at Handy Boat, Cousins River, Yarmouth, Maine. It was launched in 1980.
Skippered by Philip Weld, Moxie won the Observer Single-Handed Trans-Atlantic Race (OSTAR) that year.
Moxie is a regional soda in the United States.
Moxie or MOXIE can also refer to:
I almost felt your heartbeat whispering in the wind
And I almost heard your footsteps walking up close behind me
Were you really there or were you not?
Do you know me or have you forgot?
Am I still a piece in your own mind?
Do you still, still have to look for me?
I almost smelled your scent but that wasn't yours, was it?
I almost heard your voice calling me down the hall
Were you thinking, thinking of me then?
Are you thinking, thinking of us now?
Am I still a piece in your own mind?
Do you still, still have to look for me?