Alma Gutierrez
Alma M. Gutierrez is a fictional character on the HBO drama The Wire, played by actress Michelle Paress. Gutierrez is a dedicated and idealistic young reporter on the city desk of The Baltimore Sun.
Gutierrez joins the staff of The Baltimore Sun five months before the fifth season begins after working for the Sun-Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She is eager for the chance to prove herself and is enjoying her new career. Her abilities have already caught the attention of city desk editor Gus Haynes. Gutierrez lives with her boyfriend.
Season 5
Gutierrez submits a story about a fire in a row house and is embarrassed in front of the whole newsroom by her editor Gus Haynes and copy editor Jay Spry, who take her to task over her use of the word evacuate. Gutierrez is also assigned by Haynes to get a reaction quote from drug dealer Ricardo "Fat-Face Rick" Hendrix after the editor notices a lucrative real estate deal between Hendrix and the city council. Gutierrez is sent to Hendrix's strip club Desperado and comes back with a strong quote. She receives a contributing line in the story for her efforts. Her colleague Scott Templeton is disparaging about the credit she received and the credentials of the paper as a whole but Gutierrez remains upbeat.