Flans is an all-female Mexican group, which enjoyed popularity from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s. Its members were the singers Ivonne Margarita Guevara García, Ilse María Olivo Schweinfurth and Irma Angélica Hernández Ochoa. They were generally known as Ivonne, Ilse, and Mimí.
The three girls were initially cast in the mid-1980s for a TV show to be called Fans, which was to feature chats and sing-alongs with guest stars. When plans for the show fell through, a project was started to turn the girls into a pop music sensation. The group was renamed Flans and their first album, Flans, was launched in 1985. Their style was mainly pop music and ballads although one of their albums (Cuéntamelo Dum-Dum) was somewhat child-oriented.
The group released a new album every year until 1991 when they separated, with a national tour and the release of their "last" album: Adiós. After their separation, Ivonne married and devoted herself to painting; Mimí and Ilse started solo careers, with Mimí also being the host for a TV show.
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Reyli Barba (born April 12, 1972 in Juárez, Chiapas), most commonly known as Reyli, is a Mexican singer-songwriter. He is also a composer and has written songs for artists such as Alejandro Fernández and Beyoncé Knowles.
Reyli is a former member of Elefante, a band which he led until 2003, when he set out to release his debut solo album. This album, titled En la Luna (On the Moon), sold well, and "Amor Del Bueno" reached the top of the Mexican charts, charted in the U.S. Hot Latin Tracks and became a global Latin hit.
Elefante had formed in Mexico in the late nineties, but they only became successful in the early 2000s, when they opened for Joaquín Sabina in the Auditorio Nacional, Mexico's most important arena. Their debut album, El Que Busca Encuentra was a success. The first single was Así Es La Vida which reached the Mexican Top 5 due to its staggering radio airplay.
The band would go on to release Lo Que Andábamos Buscando, their second album in 2001 which spawned their greatest hit, "El Abandonao" which was sung by Reyli. During this time, the band would represent Mexico in the famous Chilean festival Viña del Mar International Song Festival.
Yo sé que hay en mí
Una parte sin vivir
Alguien falta aquí
Para que pueda ser feliz
Quién eres en dónde te encuetras
Dí algo.
Yo se qué tu eres....
Que eres mi otra mitad
Me siento incompleta,
No puedo yo explicarlo
Por qué no me dejas
Ya ni respirar
Alma gemela dónde estás
Dame una seña para encontrar
Donde te escondes, dí algo ya
Alma gemela tú debes hablar
Quién eres en dónde te encuetras
Dí algo.
Yo se qué tu eres....
Que eres mi otra mitad
Me siento incompleta,
No puedo yo explicarlo
Por qué no me dejas
Ya ni respirar
...quien eres...como te llama...
...en donde te encuentras...quien eres...
...que haces...tu di algo...
...yo se que tu eres...que eres mi otra mitad...
...entonces quin soy...me siento incompleta...
...no,no estas...puedo yo explicarlo...
...si, si puedes explicar...sabes que me pasa a mi...
Alma gemela dónde estás
Dame una seña para encontrar
Donde te escondes, dí algo ya
Alma gemela tú debes hablar
...alma gemela donde estas
donde te escondes dí algo ya...
Alma gemela dónde estás
Dame una seña para encontrar
Donde te escondes, dí algo ya
Alma gemela tú debes hablar