Alluvium (from the Latin, alluvius, from alluere, "to wash against") is loose, unconsolidated (not cemented together into a solid rock) soil or sediments, which has been eroded, reshaped by water in some form, and redeposited in a non-marine setting. Alluvium is typically made up of a variety of materials, including fine particles of silt and clay and larger particles of sand and gravel. When this loose alluvial material is deposited or cemented into a lithological unit, or lithified, it is called an alluvial deposit.
The term "alluvium" is not typically used in situations where the formation of the sediment can clearly be attributed to another geologic process that is well described. This includes (but is not limited to): lake sediments (lacustrine), river sediments (fluvial), or glacially-derived sediments (glacial till). Sediments that are formed or deposited in a perennial stream or river are typically not referred to as alluvial.
Most alluvium is geologically very young (Quaternary in age), and is often referred to as "cover" because these sediments obscure the underlying bedrock. Most sedimentary material that fills a basin ("basin fill") that is not lithified is typically lumped together as "alluvial". Alluvium of Pliocene age occurs, for example, in parts of Idaho. Alluvium of late Miocene age occurs, for example, in the valley of the San Joaquin River, California.
Alluvium is open source peercasting software developed by the Foundation for Decentralization Research, first released in 2003. It comprises three components, Core, Media Player, and Server. Alluvium allows video and audio programming to be broadcast over the Internet using swarming technology. It is powered by Onion Networks' Swarmcast, and is notable for its incorporation of server-side time-based playlists, and client software which examines those playlists and begins streaming content from the server(and available peers) per that schedule, simplifying the creation of continuous-broadcast video and audio.
Alluvium is a technology for low-cost streaming media broadcasts. It differs in method from server-to-client streaming servers such as icecast, Real Server, and QuickTime Streaming Server. It requires only a standard web server and client software. No additional modules or CGI scripts are required for its operation.
The web server handles static files: content, and the playlist(s). The Alluvium playlist file is a text file, residing on the web server, written in the Alluvium playlist format, which is based on the RSS 1.0 news format. The playlist file specifies the locations of a series of files containing content, and the time at which that file is to be played — the files' locations are specified as URLs and can be hosted any where on the web. All RSS tags used are standard tags from existing schemas. An Alluvium playlist file can be generated using the Broadcaster playlist generation tool.
I'm losing your train of thought
Watching my mind get caught
Up and eternal breeze
Talking amongst the trees
Cannot find the words to use the thoughts that I would
Over-analyzing how the leaves eclipse the light
Constantly find meaning and naïvety inside
Lost within my wonder as the day turns into night
All of the mysteries
Complex discoveries
Hiding in frequencies
Keeping the mind at ease
Staring at the sky while you are blurring out the line
If the colors and the shapes were clearly more defined
Thinking on a concept seems like adding off the course