Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to Mandatory Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934-1948. In modern-day Israel it has also been called by the Hebrew term Ha'apala (Hebrew: ההעפלה; ascension). The Aliyah Bet is distinguished from the Aliyah Aleph ("Aliyah 'A'", Aleph being the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet): the limited Jewish immigration permitted by British authorities in the same period.
During Ha'apala, several Jewish organizations worked together to facilitate immigration beyond the established quotas. As persecution of Jews intensified in Europe during the Nazi era, the urgency driving the immigration also became more acute. Those who participated in the immigration efforts consistently refused to term it "illegal", instead calling it "clandestine."
Ha'apala occurred in two phases. First, from 1934 to 1942, it was an effort to enable European Jews to escape Nazi persecution and murder. From 1945 to 1948, in a stage known as Bricha, it was an effort to find homes for Jewish survivors of the Nazi crimes (Sh'erit ha-Pletah) who were among the millions of displaced persons ("DPs") languishing in refugee camps in occupied Germany. During the first phase, several organizations (including Revisionists) led the effort; after World War II, the Mossad LeAliyah Bet ("the Institute for Aliyah B"), an arm of the Haganah, took charge.
E. Estefan, Albita Y J. Marquez
Cuando la lluvia tras la ventana sea mi espera
Y me haga hermosa la sola suerte de oir tu voz
Cuando tu risa se vuelva viento en mi primavera
Habra empezado a jugar sus bromas el corazon
Si entre tus brazos falta el espacio para mi ausencia
Y acude agil al viejo estilo de verso y flor
Si te sorprendes en cada sueno con mi presencia
Es que ha llegado nuestro momento para el amor
Un solo beso podemos ser
Un solo sueno
Un solo beso podemos ser
Un solo cuerpo
Un solo beso podemos ser
Un solo sueno
Un solo beso podemos ser
Un solo cuerpo
Cuando las rosas no sean flores sino ilusiones
Cuando la luna no sea la noche sino el adios
Cuando las aves vuelven y canten dulces canciones
Habra empezado a jugar sus bromas el corazon
Cuando te importen todas mis horas
Cuando me estranes
Cuando me importe todo tu tiempo en cada estacion
Cuando arriesguemos cada segundo poe el enlaze
Habra llegando nuestro momento para el amor
Un solo beso podemos ser
Un solo sueno
Un solo beso podemos ser
Un solo cuerpo
Un solo beso podemos ser
Un solo sueno
Un solo beso podemos ser