Alida Elisabeth Christina Gerritsen-De Vries, born Ali de Vries (9 August 1914 – 20 January 2007) was a Dutch athlete, who finished in fifth position at the 1936 Summer Olympics in the 4 x 100 m relay event alongside Kitty ter Braake, Fanny Blankers-Koen and Lies Koning. She was born in Den Helder. She died at the age of 92 in her hometown Amsterdam.
Ali (Arabic: علي, ʿAlī) is a male Arabic name derived from the Arabic root ʕ-l-w, which literally means "high" or "elevated". It is a common name in Arab countries and the rest of the Muslim world. Islamic traditional use of the name goes back to the Islamic leader Ali ibn Abi Talib but the name is identical in form and meaning to the Hebrew: עֵלִי , Eli, which goes back to the High Priest Eli in the biblical Books of Samuel.
The name Ali also arises in other traditions. Among English-speakers as short for male and female names starting with "Al-", or the Old Norse man's name Áli. It can also be an English nickname, as a shortened form of Alexandra, Alison, Alice, Alistair, or Alexander.
Ali is also a Finnish male given name, derived from Aleksanteri.
Cho Yong-Jin (Korean: 조용진), famously known as Ali (stylized as ALi), is a South Korean singer-songwriter famous for her work on Korean pop music in the early twenty-first century. Her stage name is a motif from Muhammad Ali. This is so that it can be engraved easily by the masses. Following her debut in 2009, she is primarily known for her strong vocals and her time as a contestant on the KBS program Immortal Songs 2.
Following her debut in 2009, she had already gained fame for her appearances on music shows, most notably Immortal Songs 2 on KBS2. She also worked as a professor in applied musical arts at the Seoul Technical Arts College.
ALi released her first album SOULri in December 2011 which was strangely two years after her official debut. One released track, "Na Young", garnered immediate controversy as its lyrics referenced a case of sexual assault that had been a very public case in South Korea, with many detractors criticizing the song to be insensitive to its subject. ALi would later address this controversy by revealing that she herself was a survivor of sexual assault.
This page is a comprehensive listing and detailing of the various characters who appear, from time to time, in the television series House. The list is divided episode-wise, as well as character-wise, and includes recurring characters, such as Dr. James Wilson, Cuddy, Foreman, Rachel Taub, and Dominika, as well as characters who appear in only a few episodes, such as Steve McQueen (the rat) and House's stalker, Ali.
Ich hab heut 'ne alte Frau überfahren,
es war keine Absicht und tut mir jetzt leid,
'ne alte Frau mit schneeweißen Haaren
und einem grauen Kleid.
Ich hab sie sofort in mein Auto gepackt
und in den Wald gebracht.
Ich hab sie auf einer Lichtung verscharrt
bei mondesheller Nacht.
Sie war sicher schön in jüngeren Jahren
und hatte gewiss einen Mann,
ich hatt' nicht besonders schwer zu tragen,
an ihr war nicht viel dran.
Gewiss war ihre Rente klein
und kaum genug für die Butter aufs Brot.
Zum Glück muss sie sich keine Sorgen mehr machen,
denn ich fuhr sie heute tot.
Jeder muß einmal sterben, einmal kommt die Zeit,
wenn deine letzte Stunde schlägt, dann ist's auch für dich soweit.
Jeder muß einmal sterben, einmal bist du dran,
wenn deine Zeit abgelaufen ist, holt dich der Sensenmann.
Ich hab heut 'ne alte Frau überfahren.
es war keine Absicht und tut mir jetzt leid,
'ne alte Frau mit schneeweißen Haaren
und einem grauen Kleid.
Sie hat sicher drüben im Hochhaus gewohnt,
dort fällt es nicht auf, wenn sie fehlt.
Die Nachbarn kennen sich eh kaum mit Namen,
so wie man sich erzählt.
Jeder muß einmal sterben, einmal kommt die Zeit,
wenn deine letzte Stunde schlägt, dann ist's auch für dich soweit.
Jeder muß einmal sterben, einmal bist du dran,
wenn deine Zeit abgelaufen ist, holt dich der Sensenmann.
Jeder muß einmal sterben, einmal kommt die Zeit,
wenn deine letzte Stunde schlägt, dann ist's auch für dich soweit.
Jeder muß einmal sterben, einmal bist du dran,
wenn deine Zeit abgelaufen ist, holt dich der Sensenmann.