Algum (sometimes rendered Almug) is a type of wood referred to in the Hebrew Bible.
According to the Book of First Kings (1 Kings 10:12), and the Second Book of Chronicles (II Chronicles 2:8; 9:10-11), it was used, together with cedar and pine, in the construction of Solomon's Temple including the crafting of musical instruments for use in the Temple. Likely the wood was brought by the ships of Tarshish, sent from the Red Sea port of Ezion-Giber, from the distant country of Ophir, and was very valuable.
The botanical identity of algum is not known for certain, though some references suggest it may be juniper (Juniperus). Several species of juniper occur in the Middle East region, including Juniperus excelsa (Greek Juniper), Juniperus foetidissima (Stinking Juniper), Juniperus phoenicea (Phoenician Juniper), and Juniperus drupacea (Syrian Juniper). It is likely that the woods of these species, which are all very similar in woodworking properties, would have not been distinguished from each other in the wood trade. The difficulty in identifying this wood is due in part to uncertainty over the location of the Biblical city of Ophir. If Ophir is located in India, as some think, the wood likely would be red sandalwood or Pterocarpus santalinus.
La Vita ? laggi? al fiume dove ciotoli rossi imbevuti di lambrusco
Mi tengono la griglia poi si prende a sputi un aereoplano
Sopra al mondo c’? anche il mio cane e i miei pesci
E c’? chi aspetta l’estrazione poi qualcuno il grande amore e noi
Noi credo proprio niente
Un altro aspetta in gran giudizio Dio il prete il paradiso ed io
Le mie costine al fiume
Il Parma gioca a calcio tronchi bruciano per darsi un senso
Cosa penso? Duecentomila sassi hanno visto cose che non sapr? mai
L’acqua fredda, i cani corrono dentro al fiume
E c’? chi aspetta l’estrazione poi chi l’ora buca a scuola e noi
Noi credo proprio niente
Un altro aspetta in gran giudizio Dio il prete il paradiso ed io
Le mie costine al fiume
Se fossi un coccodrillo me ne andrei in citt? a cacciare gli uomini
Pi? cattivi poi nuovamente al fiume per cercare l’aria e la felicit?