Alexandra "Alex" Rousseau is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost played by Tania Raymonde. She was born 16 years prior to the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, but was taken from her mother, Danielle Rousseau (Mira Furlan) by the Others. She was raised among them, believing her mother to be dead. She has helped the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 on many occasions, and is reunited with her mother at the end of the third season. Not long after however, she is shot and killed by Keamy (Kevin Durand) after her adoptive father, Ben (Michael Emerson), would not listen to his demands. Her death scene was received positively by critics, earning it a spot on multiple "top moments of the season" lists (see Reception).
A heavily pregnant Danielle Rousseau (Mira Furlan) and her husband Robert (Guillaume Dabinpons) along with the rest of their crew, shipwrecked on the island, 16 years before the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, during a French scientific expedition. According to Rousseau, her team becomes "sick", so she kills them all, and later gives birth to Alexandra. Rousseau claims she saw a column of black smoke on the island a week later. That night, Benjamin Linus and a young Ethan Rom (William Mapother) are ordered by Charles Widmore (Alan Dale) to kill Danielle and, subsequently, her baby, Alex. Instead, unwilling to kill an innocent child, Ben neglected Widmore's orders and kidnapped Alex to raise her as his daughter and let Danielle live.
Alexandra was the stage name of German singer Doris Nefedov, maiden name Treitz (May 19, 1942 – July 31, 1969).
Doris Treitz was born in Heydekrug, Memelland (today: Šilutė, Lithuania). Due to Flight and expulsion of Germans during and after WWII, her mother had to take her and her two elder sisters to the West. While the father wanted his daughters to aim for office jobs, the mother supported artistic aspirations, and the interest in foreign languages. At age 17, she left school in Kiel to become a fashion designer and actor in Hamburg, studying at Margot-Höpfner-Schauspielschule, working in several jobs to earn the money. At age 19, Doris Treitz took part in the Miss Germany pageant, enjoying being in the spotlight while still living with her mother in a small cheap apartment in Hamburg's Rothenburgsort. In order to pay the rent, they had to lease a room, to a Russian, Nikolai Nefedov, who was 49 years old and en route to emigration into the US. Doris fell in love, they married. After their boy Alexander ("Sascha") was born when she was 20, the couple got a divorce and Mr. Nefedov went to America alone. Alexandra has two grandchildren, Dennis Nefedov, born May 1, 1993 and George Nefedov, born September 23, 2008, currently living in Boston, Massachusetts.
Alexandra "Alex" Udinov is one of the main characters on the television series Nikita, portrayed by Lyndsy Fonseca. Many fans of "Team Nikita" (consisting of Nikita, Michael, Birkhoff, Sean, Ryan, and Owen) consider Alex as the baby of the "family," this is because Alex, being the youngest of the group, when her walls are down, can behave childlike and callow.
Alex is the daughter of the late Russian oligarch Nikolai Udinov and his wife who were murdered by Division, on orders of Sergei Semak, when Alex was a child. Udinov owned the billion-dollar company Zetrov, of which Alex was the sole heir. Alex was to inherit the Zetrov company, which flashbacks show her as never really wanting in the first place. She was saved by Nikita, after Nikita killed her father, as she watched the rest of her family perish in a fire. Nikita was powerless to save Alex from anything else as she had to return to Division, and she gave Alex to one of Udinov's associates for safe-keeping. Instead, Alex was sold into sex slavery by her father's associate since he needed money and thought no one would recognize her if he did.
Che or CHE may refer to:
What or WHAT may refer to
In entertainment:
In technology
Che! is a 1969 American biographical drama film directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Omar Sharif as Marxist revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara. It follows Guevara from when he first landed in Cuba in 1956 to his death in Bolivia in 1967, although the film does not portray the formative pre-Cuban revolution sections of Che's life as described in the autobiographical book The Motorcycle Diaries (1993).
The film tells of Che Guevara (Omar Sharif), a young Argentine doctor who proves his mettle during the Cuban guerilla war in the late 1950s. He gains the respect of his men and becomes the leader of a patrol.
Fidel Castro (Jack Palance) is impressed by Guevara's tactics and discipline and makes him his chief advisor. When Castro defeats Cuban dictator Batista after two years of fighting, Guevara directs a series of massive reprisals, yet, Guevara dreams of fomenting a worldwide revolution. After Castro backs down during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Guevara accuses Castro of being a Soviet tool and decides to leave Cuba.