Alestes is a genus in the family Alestidae, known as the "African Characidae" as they are found exclusively on that continent. As suggested by that name, they Alestidae was formerly included in Characidae. Myletes is a synonym of Alestes, but the former name has historically also been used for various South American serrasalmines.
Within the Lake Chad basin, Alestes and Hydrocynus, collectively known as salanga, are lightly smoked and dried.
There are currently seven recognized species in this genus:
(Mental Suicide)
I think of death as if it`s near
Plan my future as if it`s doesn`t exist
I`d like to die without having lived
Disappear without regret nor joy
Death is perhaps a delivery
Nobody`s never managed to prove it
I`d like to have no future
Kill without remorse even friends
Be an animal without faith nor law
Mad, I begin to be mad
I feel my nerves that are cracking
I want to weep and to laugh
An interior force pushes me to suicide
An other one pushes me to folly
I think of death as if it`s near
Project my future as if it doesn`t exist...