The common name alder evolved from Old English alor, which in turn is derived from Proto-Germanic rootaliso. The generic name Alnus is the equivalent Latin name. Both the Latin and the Germanic words derive from the Proto-Indo-European root el-, meaning "red" or "brown", which is also a root for the English words elk and another tree: elm, a tree distantly related to the alders.
With a few exceptions, alders are deciduous, and the leaves are alternate, simple, and serrated. The flowers are catkins with elongate male catkins on the same plant as shorter female catkins, often before leaves appear; they are mainly wind-pollinated, but also visited by bees to a small extent. These trees differ from the birches (Betula, the other genus in the family) in that the female catkins are woody and do not disintegrate at maturity, opening to release the seeds in a similar manner to many conifer cones.
They follow the chronicles of Bobby Pendragon, an American teenager who discovers that he, as well as his two best friends, Mark Dimond and Courtney Chetwynde, must prevent the destruction of the ten "territories": distinct but interrelated space-time realities. Each book deals with the battle over a particular territory, fought between Bobby's side—including the lead protectors of each territory, called Travelers—and the forces of Saint Dane, a demon who exploits a decisive "turning point" in each territory's history. At this turning point, Saint Dane steps in to guide each territory towards utter destruction; it is up to Bobby Pendragon and his allies to stop or reverse Saint Dane's sinister efforts.
The Utah Jazz took a double whammy on Wednesday (Thursday Manila time) as they lost for the seventh game in a row and incurred a hefty fine from the NBA....
Bridge is full of suit combinations that can be played in different ways, depending on the number of tricks needed or the circumstances in a particular deal. Taken in isolation, how should South handle today’s heart suit for either five ....
A tie for fourth place between JonathanAlder senior Drew Damron and Reynoldsburg junior QuinnDean led central Ohio in the Division I state boys bowling tournament Saturday at HP Lanes. Both rolled a 705 series ... Damron had games of 187, 240 and 278.
(9) Hawken vs (2) JonathanAlder. What ... When. 6 p.m., March 8 ... Hawken 19-7, Jonathan Alder 24-4 ... Jonathan Alder’s path ... Jonathan Alder trailed for all of the first half against Napoleon but came out strong in the third for the lead ... Jonathan Alder.
BOWLING GREEN — Already part of a magical run to the program’s sixth regional tournament game ever, Thursday’s Division IV regional semifinal was yet another chapter in an unlikely story for Napoleon but the Wildcats didn’t get the chance to ... .