Albert Schwarz
Albert S. Schwarz (Russian: А. С. Шварц; born June 24, 1934 in Kazan, Soviet Union) is a mathematician and a theoretical physicist educated in Soviet Union and now a Professor at the University of California-Davis. He is one of the pioneers of Morse theory and brought up the first example of a topological quantum field theory. Schwarz worked on some examples in noncommutative geometry. He is the "S" in the famous AKSZ model (named after Mikhail Alexandrov, Maxim Kontsevich, Schwarz, and Oleg Zaboronsky).
In 1990, Schwarz was an invited speaker of the International Congress of Mathematicians in Kyoto.
Topology for physicists, Springer 1996
Quantum field theory and topology, Grundlehren der Math. Wissen. 307, Springer 1993. (translated from Russian original Kvantovaja teorija polja i topologija, Nauka, Moscow, 1989. 400 pp.)
A. S. Švarc, Математические основы квантовой теории поля, (Mathematical aspects of quantum field theory), Atomizdat, Moscow, 1975. 368 pp.
Papers (selection)