Alastrim, also known as variola minor, is the milder strain of the variola virus that causes smallpox.
Variola minor is of the genus orthopoxvirus, which are DNA viruses that replicate in the cytoplasm of the affected cell, rather than in its nucleus. Like variola major, alastrim is spread through inhalation of the virus in the air, which can occur through face-to-face contact or through fomites. Contagion with variola minor confers immunity against its more dangerous form, variola major.
Variola minor is a less common form of the virus, and much less deadly. Although alastrim has the same incubation period and pathogenetic stages as smallpox, alastrim is believed to have a mortality rate of less than 1%, as compared to smallpox's 30%.
Because alastrim is a less debilitating disease than smallpox, patients are more frequently ambulant and thus able to infect others more rapidly. As such, variola minor swept through the USA, Great Britain, and South Africa in the early 20th century, becoming the dominant form of the disease in those areas and thus rapidly decreasing mortality rates.
Who's that short man what does he do?
He killed that monkey with his shoe!
Why that monkey?
Why his boot?
Cos he had a belly full of loot!
The monkey needs his damn revenge!
That poor creature we'll avenge!
Midget Saw, a deadly fate
Chopped up limbs become shark bait
Midget Saw, the pirate's code
It says that both your legs must go
Chopped to pieces
Ripped to shreds
You're gonna wish that you were dead!
Grab him by his manky hair
And strap him to that table there
This pirate's not gonna walk again
He's in for a world of nasty pain!
Slap that midget with an oar
Remove his legs, with a saw!
Midget Saw, a deadly fate
Chopped up limbs become shark bait
Midget Saw, the pirate's code
It says that both your legs must go
Chopped to pieces
Ripped to shreds