Alan Vega

Alan Vega (born Boruch Alan Bermowitz on June 23, 1938) is an American vocalist, primarily known for his work with the electronic protopunk duo Suicide. He is also an established sculptor.

Biography and career

Alan Bermowitz was raised in a Jewish household in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. In the late 1950s, he attended Brooklyn College where he studied both physics and fine art under Ad Reinhardt and Kurt Seligmann and graduated in 1960. In the 1960s, he became involved with the Art Workers' Coalition, a radical artists group that harassed museums and once barricaded the Museum of Modern Art. In 1969, funding from the New York State Council on the Arts made possible the founding of MUSEUM: A Project of Living Artists—an artist-run 24 hour multimedia gallery at 729 Broadway in Manhattan. Calling himself Alan Suicide, he graduated from painting to light sculptures, many of which were constructed of electronic debris. He gained a residency at the OK Harris Gallery in SoHo where he continued to exhibit until 1975.Barbara Gladstone continued to show his work well into the 1980s.

Alan Vega (album)

Alan Vega is the eponymously titled debut studio album of Alan Vega, released in 1980 by PVC Records.


Track listing

All songs written and composed by Alan Vega. 


Adapted from the Alan Vega liner notes.

Release history


External links

  • Alan Vega at Discogs (list of releases)
  • Podcasts:

    Alan Vega




    by: Vega

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