Alamgir village comes under the Bhogpur development block of Jalandhar. Jalandhar is a district in the Indian state of Punjab.
Alamgir lies on the Jalandhar-Pathankot road. The nearest railway station to Alamgir is Kala Bakra station at 2 km from it.
Alamgir's post and STD codes are 144303 and 0181 respectively.
Coordinates: 30°48′N 75°52′E / 30.800°N 75.867°E / 30.800; 75.867
Bhogpur is a town and a nagar panchayat in Jalandhar district in the state of Punjab, India.
Bhogpur is located at 31°33′N 75°38′E / 31.55°N 75.63°E / 31.55; 75.63.
As of 2001 India census, Bhogpur had a population of 13,893. Males constitute 53% of the population and females 47%. Bhogpur has an average literacy rate of 75%, higher than the national average of 59.5%; with male literacy of 79% and female literacy of 70%. 11% of the population is under 6 years of age.
Bhogpur is a village and a Gram panchayat in the district of Purba Medinipur in state of West Bengal. This village is situated in Tamluk sub division under Kolaghat block. Bhogpur railway station is located in this village, this is the main lifeline of this village as well as other subsequent villages.Though two more rail station is under this gram panchayat, they are Nandaigajan and Narayan Pakuria Murail. People of Nandaigajan, Naryan Pakuria used nearest station, but Bhogpur railway station is more used than these two. Bhogpur market is the main market of this gram panchayat. Village under this gram panchayat is Bhogpur itself and Kishorchak, Namalbarh, Kodalia, Nandaigajan, Naryan Pakuria. Three bank provide service here, two of them is nationalized and one gramin bank. The gramin bank is Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank and two nationalized bank are Union Bank of India and United Bank of India.
Bhogpur K. M. High School is located here, near Bhogpur railway station which was established by local peoples with help from Pannalal Sasmal.Another high school Kishorchak Banamali High School is situated here in the village of Kishorchak, which was established by Banamali Charan Khatua, was a local man from the village of Namalbarh under this Gram panchayat who was also founder of Panskura Banamali College in Panskura 9 km away from here. A few Primary School is situated in this village as well as in adjacent villages. Though two Secondary and Higher Secondary School in this Gram panchayat is Government-aided but not all primary School, a few non-government primary school is here.