Al Ries is a marketing professional and author. He is also the co-founder and chairman of the Atlanta-based consulting firm Ries & Ries with his partner and daughter, Laura Ries. Along with Jack Trout, Ries coined the term "positioning", as related to the field of marketing, and authored Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind, an industry standard on the subject.
Ries graduated from DePauw University in 1950 with a degree in liberal arts and accepted a position with the advertising department of General Electric before founding his own advertising agency in New York City, Ries Cappiello Colwell, in 1963. The agency later changed to a marketing strategy firm, Trout & Ries.
In 1972, again cooperating with Trout, Ries co-authored a three-part series of articles declaring the arrival of the "Positioning Era" in Advertising Age magazine, promoting their concept of positioning.
In 1994, Ries founded Ries & Ries with his daughter Laura a recent graduate of Northwestern University and TBWA advertising account executive.
Those blasted clocks have all run down
Oh, does time stand still without you around
The birds don't sing their little song
The prophecies have all proved wrong
The Persian rugs have gone thread-bare
The waxy moon has lost its flair
The wishes drown beneath the well
The razor blades have all gone dull
But this is confidential, you're the one to blame
And now the forecast calls perpetually for rain
And although it's rather late, I lie awake in vain
'Cause I'm still waiting for what's wonderful