Poling achieved his greatest national exposure in Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) in the mid-1990s. He debuted in ECW as a "handler" to Sabu. Later his gimmick was as an enforcer of the "extreme" attitude; he was named 911 and joined Paul Heyman's Dangerous Alliancestable with Sabu and Tazmaniac. As part of his monstrous persona, he would frequently perform the chokeslam on others with little provocation. At 1994's NWA World Title Tournament, he defeated Doink the Clown after four chokeslams. Poling left the promotion by early 1996 after a falling out backstage with Heyman over the former's treatment of the ring crew.
SHANGHÁI, China (AP) — Lewis Hamilton sorprendió a la multitud y a sí mismo al asegurar su primera pole position en un sprint para Ferrari, lográndolo en los últimos momentos de la clasificación del viernes en el Gran Premio de ... .
Asma bint Salim al Farsi, a member of the society, stated that astronomical calculations indicate the equinox will occur at 1.07 PM Oman time ... the SouthPole enters a prolonged period of darkness.