Khidr or al-Khidr (Arabic: الخضر al-Khiḍr; also transcribed as al Khadir, Khader/Khadr, Khidr, Khizr, Khyzer, Qeezr, Qhezr, Qhizyer, Qhezar, Khizar, Xızır, Hızır) is a mystical figure that some believe to be described in the Quran as a righteous servant of God possessing great wisdom or mystic knowledge. In various Islamic and non-Islamic traditions, Khidr is described as a messenger, prophet, wali or in some cases as a god of the material world. The figure of al-Khidr has been syncretized over time with various other figures including Vishnu in India, Sorūsh in Iran,Saint Sarkis the Warrior and John the Baptist in Armenia,Saint George in Asia Minor and the Levant, etc.
Because of the linguistic similarities and shared etymology between the name "al-khidr" and the Arabic word for green ("al-akhdar"), and the fact that the name "al-khidr" shares exactly the same triliteral root as the word "al-akhdar" - a root found in multiple Semitic languages meaning "green" or "verdant", the meaning of the name has traditionally usually been taken colloquially and academically to be "the Green One" or "the Verdant One." Some contemporary scholars have disagreed with this assessment, however some others point to a possible reference to the Mesopotamian figure Utnapishtum from the Epic of Gilgamesh through the Arabization of his nickname, "Hasisatra". According to one recent view the name Khidr is not an Arabic variant or an abbreviation of Hasisatra, it directly comes from the name of the Canaanite god Kothar-wa-Khasis and it may be later assimilated to Arabic term "al-akhdar".
Mis ojos
van al cuadro
Algo se ha iluminado
Y en su interior
las figuras danzan
Me miran fijamente y se agrandan
Mi cuerpo
pesa menos
siento que me elevo
Las pistolas de Warhol
sin munición
Se nubla en mi cerebro la situación
por miradas
algo difuminadas
Y admito los colores
de su interior
Sufre mi figura la transformación
Y aquellos ojos blancos
me vuelvo hacia su lado
me obligan a sentirme así
están trás de tí