Čaka (Hungarian: Cseke) is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.
In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1287.
The village lies at an altitude of 188 metres and covers an area of 9.069 km². It has a population of about 830 people.
The village has a public library a gym and a football pitch.
The records for genealogical research are available at the state archive "Statny Archiv in Nitra, Slovakia"
AKA is a 2002 drama film, the first by director and writer Duncan Roy. The film is set in the late 1970s in Britain and deals with the story of Dean, an 18-year-old boy who assumes another identity in order to enter high society. Dean then meets David, an older gay man who desires him and Benjamin, a young Texan hustler. It is largely an autobiographical account of Duncan Roy's early life.
The screen consists of a row of three frames, showing three perspectives.
The film has been nominated for several awards, especially in the gay community.
This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends that begin with the letter A.
For the purposes of this list:
Kamenné modly nad krajinou ledu
mrazivé stíny v duších mrtvých
krvavé slzy zkrápìjí zem
temní andìlé zažehli hranici.
Kamenné modly nad krajinou ledu
z mrazivých stínù vychází žár,
krvavé slzy - nasáklá zem
temní andìlé utrpení.
Strážci dìsivých temnot
ochránci smrti a zatracených,
temný andìl utrpení
krvavým pláèem zkrápí zem.
Krutá vláda temné smrti
trýznivì ledová, nesmrtelná, nekoneèná.
Temný úsvit zabíjí slunce
temní andìlé na vìèném trùnu,
krvavé slzy z kamených model
ledová smrš zkrápí zem.
Bohové stínù, bouøí a vìtru
vláda temnot nad krajinou ledu,
mrazivé stíny oblehly modly
tìžký led zabarven krví.