Ajmal Shams
Early years
Eng. Ajmal Shams (born 1972 in Noorgal district of Kunar province) is the son of the late Shamsul Huda Shams, the former president of the Afghan Social Democratic (Mellat) Party. Shams has been president of the Afghan Social Democratic Party since October 2005. Shams obtained his primary education in his hometown before migrating to Pakistan with his family in the early days of the Communist regime.
Education, academics and professional career
Shams then pursued his education in Peshawar, graduated from the University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar with a B.Sc. degree in civil engineering. Upon graduation he started his career in a lecturer position in Khyber Institute of Technology and continued teaching for several years before departing for the United States for his specialization in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. In 2002, he obtained his master's degree in civil engineering from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. After finishing his degree, he worked as environmental engineer for a consulting engineering firm in Florida for about a year before returning home due his father insistence and his own love and passion to actively participate in the reconstruction and development of his homeland.